Meetings, which are are open to the public, are held Tuesdays. We gather at 6:45 p.m. with official business starting at 7 p.m. sharp. Meetings on even numbered days are at our building on the southwest corner of Lenox and Otjen in Milwaukee, directly north of the McDonald's just off “KK;” and on odd days are at 2517 E Norwich Ave. in St Francis, which is at the southeast corner of Norwich and Pennsylvania, about a block east of I-794 and about a block south of Howard.
If you are not a member and wish to take a tour and/or inquire about joining, start by coming to a meeting.
Below are links to the next meeting's agenda items (as well as past and future meetings.) Feel free to follow a link. Members are welcome to log in to make edits to a meeting agenda to include a topic you'd like to discuss.
If you are looking for the BOD meeting agendas and notes click here
Here are some talking points to cover when giving a space tour: Talking Points