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Meeting #537 Agenda for August 17, 2021


  • Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
  • Member Recognition for Awesomeness
  • Membership Sign-ups
  • Guest & New Member Introductions
  • Meeting adjourns

Helpful Hint

  • Tonight's is from Tom Klein and the Metal Shop:
    • Put tools back where they belong when you are done using them
    • If everyone does this, we won't have to spend time looking for them when we are trying to start a project.
    • Tom shared this hint while he was looking for the Bridgeport small Jacob chuck key.
  • Humorous Helpful Hint: Overheard recently:
    • You will be surprised how quickly you will get help at large box hardware/lumber stores (one is orange and the other is blue) when you pull a chain saw off the shelf and try to start it.


  • Maker Fair scheduled for September 24-26. Fair being hosted by MSOE
    • Meeting tomorrow night at Norwich to review status to date.
    • CALL TO MEMBERS: A link has been shared with members if you would like to display a project or sell your wares at the Faire,
    • Please sign up to volunteer! Members also received that link.
    • 2021 Maker Faire Budget of $10,000 approved by membership.
      • Faith F is taking the lead on signage for the Faire
  • Thursday, August 19th: Board of Directors meeting will be held at 7 PM at our Lenox building. All MMS members are invited to participate.
    • Maker Faire
    • Egg Drop Competition
    • Covid update

* Egg drop challenge September 7th during the member meeting. *Flame Effects for the Artist Workshop, Sept 24 Sept 25 and 26th Viola, WI

Safety Note

  • Ladder safety has its ups and downs.
  • When on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.

Rule and Regulation of the Week

  • This week's rule is by Faith F, our Facilities Director:
    • We are going to do a purge of both refrigerators at Lenox now that the more members are coming to use the space. If you have anything in there currently, you need to put your name and date on it. During Space Improvement Day everything unlabeled will be thrown out.

Reminder: if you put something in the fridge or the freezer it needs to have your name and a date on it. Each space improvement day the fridge will be purged. If there is no date on the food, no matter how long it’s been in the fridge, it will be thrown out. Food items should not be in the fridge for more than a week.

We know that some members like to plan ahead and put a few items in the freezer for other days that they will be at the space. This is fine, but remember that the freezer is not your own personal space and that there are other members who use the fridge/freezer space. (Another way to say this: you share the freezers and refrigerators with 310 other people). Limit of 3 items allowed per member.

Member Topics and Announcements

  • Carl S: FUSION 360 classes are now held at NORWICH (moving from Lenox) at 7 PM. Classes can be attended in person, or virtually (Carl will send you the link). Thank you Carl.
    • These classes are now being recorded and are available for viewing on You Tube. Carl will send you the link.
    • Member meetings on even numbered days will be held at Lenox
    • Member meetings on odd numbered days will be held at Norwich
    • This will allow for new members to tour each building and attend member meetings on consecutive weeks.
  • CERAMICS AND CERVEZAS every Wednesday.
    • The goal being to rebuild our ceramics community.
    • BYOB and enjoy.
  • No heavy equipment in the newly paved parking lot for the next few months as the asphalt hardens. Pls reach out to Tom G, Dan J, Jake B or Rudy if you need to use a fork lift outside the building to load/unload. Do NOT attempt to use the fork lift outside the Norwich building.
  • Tom G shared there are paper printers (no, not 3D printers) available for members for a $30 donation to the Space. See Tom G. Printers are at Norwich, just west of the metal shop.
  • Adrian: discussed nerdy derby and the need for scrap wood. Leave the wood at Lenox marked for the nerdy derby.

Post Meeting Reminders

  • Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
  • One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
  • Begin Tour

What Did We Talk About

Project Updates

  • Faith: making Faire costume…a woodland elf. Hand sewing sticks on a corset
  • Mike T: designed a charger base for a 2 way radio using Carl's Fusion 360
  • Jake B: both forge and weld area are close to done at Norwich.
  • Cathy: made large purchase of metal to make a 10 foot tall nyan cat.

Guest Introductions

  • 7 new guests attended the meeting.
  • Carl S gave the tour.
  • Chris T signed up 3 new members

Awesome members

Tom G: donated a aluminum welding spool to space Dan J: helped make a railing for a members Tim C, Dan G, and Marcus S: re-did the 3D lab Bobby C: re-built the brakes on a members van

meetingagenda/2021-08-17.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/18 00:30 by wildapricot-reid_william