Meeting #625 Agenda for May 9, 2023
Member Project Updates
Jon D.: 3D poem
Carl: Robot
Luke: Night stand table
Anna: Earnings
Member recognition for Awesomeness
Karen: Cowboy and Kyle, help with Cot
Dan: Bryan: Fob Reader on jointer.
Byran: Kyle, help on FOB reader.
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Tim, Dan J., Mike T., Alden, Jon D, Bryan, Bill C, Geeff,
Guest & New Member Introductions
Total guests: n= 7
Second-timers: n= 5
Board Elections: Nominations, last call
Nominations are as follows:
Events for 2023
Regularly-Scheduled Events
Every second Sunday, 3 p.m., Lenox, Guardians of the Good Scissors sewing collaborative.
Model Monday. Mondays at 7 pm, Norwich: Fusion 360 Computer Aided Design/CAM class with Carl S. Starting next month will alternate between beginning and advanced class.
Even Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Lenox: Paint Room/Spray Gun training with John K. May move to once-a-month, Saturday's. See message board.
Most Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Lenox: Stained glass training with Bill and Bobbie Coon.
Odd Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Norwich: Woodshop Differences Training.
Wednesdays at 5pm-ish, Norwich: PAUSED UNTIL JEFF GETS BACK. Ceramics and Cerveza with Jeff M. Last Wed. of month, 6 p.m. the best Cerveza and advanced class.
Wednesdays at 5pm, Norwich: metal casting area setup. Iron is a month off.
Wednesdays from 5pm-7 pm Bytes & Beers Arduino class with Bryan F. This week: Hang out.
Thursdays: 6 p.m. Steel Tigerlillies women's led sculpture collective at Norwich.
2nd Thursday of Each Month at 7 pm, Lenox: 3D printer Basics Training. Bring a laptop with Prusa slicer.
Thursdays at 6:00 - 8pm, Lenox: Woodshop Orientation Training (please message the Google Groups to RSVP) led by Bob R.
Second and Third Friday of Each Month at 6:00pm, Norwich: Board game night: with Kathy L.
Fridays at 6pm, Norwich: Open-Forge-Friday blacksmithing. Norwich. This week: Intermediate class.
Special Events
Elections. Hapto defeats Alden for Communications Dir.
Nominations open tonight for at-large position currently held by Alden, open via email for one week.
Alden nominated by Dan, Callie seconds; Bryan nominated by by Carl, Mike seconds; Anna, nominated by Christi, seconded by Jon D.
Special Board to clear agenda backlog, 6 p.m. Thursday, May 11, Norwich.
Regular Board meeting 6 p.m. May 18.
Safety Note
* Clamp down anything drilled with a drill press. Position your work piece to the left of the post so the piece won't spin if the bit grabs.
Helpful Hint
* If trying parts from hardware drawers, keep the drawer open a couple inches so that if you need you need to put something back you can find where it came from.
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Wrap up