Meeting #613 Agenda for Feb. 14, 2023 <3
* Tim calls meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Lenox
Member Project Updates
John, punch, 3D printed thing, etc.; Karen, heart pillow
Member recognition for Awesomeness
Yvonne: George, help on ?; John K. for help with ender touch; Callie: Hapto et al for bonefire; Hapto: John Klien, boxes for lab; Bob R., Bill covered woodshop training, Dan: Kyle for help with wood donation.
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Tim, President
Hanna, acting facilitie
Dan J: Forge champion, Asst Treasurer, Managing Partner of Norwich Building
Mike T., Ham radio
John K., Paint room champ
Alden, BOD
Bryan Flannery, electronics champ
Callie, BOD
Hapto, Laser, Steel Tigertlillies
Jon Drayna: BOD/ Secretary
Anderson, Long arm
Bill Coon, stained glass area champs
Alden, Board member at large
Dan J., Lenox facil. manager, forge
Guest & New Member Introductions
Total guests: 10
Second-timers: n= 4
Events for 2023
Regularly-Scheduled Events
Mondays at 7pm, Norwich: Fusion 360 Computer Aided Design class with Carl S.
Even Tuesdays at 7:45pm, Lenox: Paint Room/Spray Gun training with John K.
Most Tuesdays at 7:45pm, Lenox: Stained glass training with Bill and Bobbie Coon.
Odd Tuesdays at 7:45pm, Norwich: Woodshop Differences Training.
Wednesdays at 5pm-ish, Norwich: Ceramics and Cerveza with Jeff M.
Wednesdays at 5pm, Norwich: metal casting area setup
Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm Bytes & Beers with Bryan F.
Thursdays: Steel Tigerlillies women's led sculpture gang; Board meeting is happening this week, so its on Sunday 10:30 AM and we will be building out the Tigertlillies area (Thanks BOD!)
2nd Thursday of Each Month at 7pm, Lenox: 3D printer Basics Training
Thursdays at 6:00 - 8pm, Lenox: Woodshop Orientation Training (please message the Google Groups to RSVP) led by Bob R.
Second and Third Friday of Each Month at 6:30pm, Norwich: Board game night: with Kathy L.
Fridays at 6pm, Norwich: Open-Forge-Friday, Norwich. Will try Thursdays evenings instead starting in March.
Special Board of Directors elections
Board meeting Thursday: Electrical install bill, area expansions, Discourse software demo, member turnover, Dust collection problems.
Space improvement Day coming up. See Calendar
Special Board of Directors elections
Elections for Treasurer: Nominee Geoff Lendrum.
Elections for Facilities Director: Nominee: Hannah Schultz.
Positions were uncontested. Both elected.
Safety Note
Never put a material containing zinc into the forge. It produced a highly toxic gas, and it means the lining of the forge is ruined and has to be replaced. The blacksmith forges are for heating iron and steel only. Most other metals have a melting point lower than the operating temperature of the forge, and will screw up the insulation if they melt into it.
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Bryan: Bytes and Beers Arduino class, Norwich, begins tomorrow, Feb. 15, 5-7pm, Norwich, kit price $35.
John: Sailing Classes, two weeks March, two weeks April, then let's go sailing!
Anderson: Booking available for Long-arm training March, look for notice on shared drive
Xavier: Free professionally done head shots & portrait photos 2/19 from 9am to 1pm @ Norwich (sign-up link on google group)
Wrap up
Tours with: Jon D.
Sign-ups: Tim and Callie
meetingagenda/2023-02-14.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/15 01:30 by wildapricot-drayna_jonathan