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Meeting #588 Agenda for August 16, 2022


  • Jeff calls meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Member Project Updates

  • Dan J: made a rivet set tool at the Norwich forge
  • Mike T: made a decorative Celtic owl. Using them for column decoration. Printed out of PETG.
  • Anna made a cool chip and dale coaster
  • Sarah: uses her grandmothers lace as a template and laser cut acrylic.
  • Jeff M: made a huge ceramic pot this weekend in the Raku firing last weekend.

Member recognition for Awesomeness

  • Jessie Hale and John filled origami seed envelopes for a seed bank with Mike T.
  • Everyone that participated in WIKI improvement day. Mike T, Colin I, Jessie, Sarah, Mariah
  • Anderson thanked the folks with the serger
  • David Temple, Bill R, Ellen Fulton, Callie and others working on the TriFold about the maker space. Pls respond to Carl S if you have a quote to include in the next version.
  • Hapto for helping with the laser cutters

Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions

  • Jeff: President & Ceramics Area Champion
  • Bill R: BOD
  • Carl: BOD/Communications & ceramics co-champion
  • Mike T: Facilities Director and HAM Radio
  • Dan J: Asst Treasurer, Forge area champion, manages the Norwich building
  • Alden H: BOD
  • Colin I: Treasurer
  • Tim C: 3D printer champion
  • Sarah and/or Hapto: Laser co-champion
  • John: paint area champion and 3D printing co-champion
  • Faith: Craft lab co-champion and Cosplay champion
  • Bill C: Stain glass champion

Guest & New Member Introductions

  • Total guests: 11
  • Second-timers: 4

Tours will be done by Carl S and Dan J


  • Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM led by Carl S. Also streamed on line and saved for future viewing on YouTube
  • Ceramics and Cerveza: Wednesdays, 5ish, led by Jeff M
  • Forge Friday: Friday 6 p.m., led by Dan J. This week is a beginner class making coat hooks. Next week will be an intermediate class.
  • Thursdays at Lenox Initial Woodshop Orientation 6 to 8 pm led by Bob R & Bill R, and Tuesdays, at 7:45pm Norwich differences led by Rick.
  • Board game night: second Friday of month, 6:30 to 9:30 at NORWICH (Kathy L.) Next game night is Friday, September 9th
  • Milwaukee MakerFaire: October 21st to 23rd, State Fair Park.
    • Call for Makers is OPEN.
  • Sunday, August 28th is Space Improvement Day from 1 to 4 PM; food provided after clean up. No making from 12 noon to 5 PM.
  • Starting Thursday, July 28th Mike T is holding HAM Radio class for your Technician license. Class will be held at NORIWCH every Thursday at 7 PM.
  • Next Board of Directors meeting is August 18th at 7 PM at our Lenox facility in the Craft Lab Area. This meeting is open for to all members to participate.
  • Stained glass class 7:30 every Tuesday after the member meeting. Stained glass class will be held at Lenox.
  • 2nd Thursday of the every month will be 3D printing training at LENOX meeting room at 7 PM. Next class is September 8th. Co-champions are Tim C and John.

Safety Note

  • When you are doing something for the first time you take the time to plan and when you execute, you are vigilant, very careful, and not in a hurry.
  • You tend to be less safe when you are performing a repetitive task. You are less likely to focus on the details on the 20th you do something than you did on the 1st.
  • Realize this when doing any repetitive task. Stay vigilant, don't hurry.

Helpful hint

  • Using a handheld screwdriver in tight spaces can be very frustrating, especially when there isn’t enough room to hold the screw in place with your free hand.
  • The solution: magnetize a screwdriver. Attach a small magnet to the shaft of your screwdriver. The magnetic magic will travel through the metal of the screwdriver, down to the business end, holding the screw right where you need it—with no hands.
  • This trick works with other tools, too. Magnetize the head of a hammer to hold a nail, add a magnet to the metal bit in a power drill/driver to hold a screw……you get the idea.

Rule and Regulation of the Week

  • Offered by Mike T, MMS Facilities Director
    • All individual members get one free storage spot of 9 cubic feet.
    • Family memberships get one free spot per family.
    • You have to choose between Lenox or Norwich for your storage location.
  • How do you get yours?
  • If you want a free spot at LENOX, send an email to and ask for a spot. Mike Tarnowski set you up with one.
  • If you want a free spot at NORWICH, send an email to and ask for a spot.
    • Any shelf with a green sticker, or no sticker is available.
  • If you wish to rent a larger space for a project or for storage, please reach out to Dan Jonke:

Member Topics and Announcements

  • Carl S: please register for Maker Faire. Pls share the link via your social media.
  • Dan J: pls attend BOD meeting on Thursday if you wish to discuss the proposed rental fee rates.

Post Meeting Reminders

  • Any interested new members, see Board Members Bill R and Jeff M to discuss the sign-up process.
  • Begin Tour with Dan J and Carl S
meetingagenda/2022-08-16.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/17 00:39 by wildapricot-reid_william