Meeting #591 Agenda for Sept 6, 2022
Member Project Updates
Mike T. Solar yard light part replacements Fusion 360/3D printing. Also toilet tank Fusion 360/3D printing part making.
Carl S.: Fusion 360/3D printing. Ice cream machine.
Shelly J.: Wood end grain project.
Faith F.: New flooring in craft lab.
Sara Hapto : Hair stick.
Member recognition for Awesomeness
Tim: Faith for flooring project.
Faith, Tim, Da J, Sara, Chris, John for help with flooring.
Sarah: John for 3d printing hinges for donation boxes.
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Jeff: President & Ceramics Area Champion
Carl: BOD/Communications & ceramics co-champion
Mike T: Facilities Director and HAM Radio champion
Dan J., Forge champion, et al
Alden: Board member
Tim C: 3D printer champion
Sarah and/or Hapto: Laser co-champion
Faith: Craft lab co-champion and Cosplay champion
Guest & New Member Introductions
Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM led by Carl S. Also streamed on line and saved for future viewing on YouTube.
Tuesday, public meetings. Odd days Norwich, even days Lenox.
Tuesdays, after LENOX meetings: Paint room /spray gun training.
Stained glass training, Bill K., Tuesdays by request.
Ceramics and Cerveza: Wednesdays, 5ish, led by Jeff M
Forge Friday: Friday 6 p.m., led by Dan J. Beginner class where members will make a coat hook, and second-timer's class.
Thursdays at Lenox Initial Woodshop Orientation 6 to 8 pm led by Bob R & Bill R, and Tuesdays, at 7:45pm Norwich differences led by Rick.
Thursdays 3D printing: Tim, every Thursday, 7 p.m. with Tim C.
Ham Radio class, every Thursday after Norwich meeting, Mike T.
Board game night: second Friday of month, 6:30 to 9:30 at NORWICH (Kathy L.) Next game night is Friday, September 9th
Milwaukee MakerFaire: October 22nd and 23rd, at Discovery World.
2nd Thursday of the every month will be 3D printing training at LENOX meeting room at 7 PM. Next class is September 8th. Co-champions are Tim C and John.
Saturday, September 24th is the next Space Improvement Day from 1 to 4 PM. No making from noon to 5 pm.
Safety Note
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Friday, September 9th the St Frances police dept is hosting a community blood drive at City Hall (3400 E Howard Ave) from 9 AM to 3 PM. A chance to help our neighbors. You can pre-register at Versiti Blook Center of Wisconsin. Contact is Mike Tarnowski (our excellent Facilities Director).
Dan L will be teaching how to use the Resin Printer.
Dan L will be starting an informal Boating Group at the Space.
Upcoming change to rates/arrangements with Makers' Village.
Don't park in lot at Norwich (either lot), Wednesday and Thurs. due to resurfacing. Park on street or in front.
Post Meeting Reminders
meetingagenda/2022-09-06.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/13 17:37 by wildapricot-drayna_jonathan