Meeting #570 Agenda for April 12, 2022
Member Project Updates
Kathy H.: Painting; Marcus: Sliding table saw on/off buttons moved; John H.: Pit Droid; John: Forged leaves, etc.; Mike T.: Threaded container; Karen: Catnip toys; Dan: City approved dust collector.
Members recognition for Awesomeness
Faith: Tim to Ikea for new craft lab table; Rick: Marcus, slide saw, John Hummer, new blade guard; Kathy: People emptying trash; Jon D.: Steve B. for surgical appliances.
Guest & New Member Introductions
Logan; Jen; Steve; Cindy; Azota; Elanor; Aubry; Brian; Laurie; Chris, Scott. About three latecomers.
N= 12, 4 second-timers.
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Tim; Faith; Marcus; Kathy; John H.; Mike T.; Dan J; Rick; Sarah Hapto; Bill Squared.
Adrian: Nominations for President closed. Sean and Jeff are the candidates to fill remaining 6 months of current term. Members will get email allowing them to vote online, or can vote in person at the next meeting.
April 19 nominations open for communications, operations and treasurer.
Sean Stump speech.
Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM., Carl
Ceramics and cerveza, Wednesdays, 5ish, Jeff
Forge Friday, Friday 6 p.m., Dan
Arduino class, Thursday, April 21, (waitlist) running three Thursdays, then …?
Flugtag, Wed., 7 p.m. Norwich, Carl
Rick: Thursdays at Lenox will be initial wood shop training, and Tuesdays, Norwich differences.
BOD April 21.
Hapto: May 6, thrifted painting mad tea party
Wiki improvement day, 23rd of April, noon, Norwich
Safety Note
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Adrian: Needs volunuteers for 15 min. projects.
Hapto: Call for people to help with Bay view Gallery night
Mike T.: Earth Day. Library needs help with outdoor cleanup. Needs volunteers for MMS premises cleanup.
Mike: St. Francis schools robotics helped.
Need someone to do minutes for Board meeting on the 21st. See Jon Drayna.
Post Meeting Reminders
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Begin Tour