Meeting #545 Agenda for October 12, 2021
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Membership Sign-ups
Guest & New Member Introductions
Meeting adjourns
Helpful Hint
The number one failure of a MIG weld is porosity. The most common cause of porosity is welding a dirty, oily, painted surface. All these contaminants get trapped in the weld, resulting in holes that resemble a sponge.
Lincoln Electric’s Karl Hoes says a welding arc requires a smooth flow of electricity through a complete electrical circuit. Welding current will seek the path of least resistance. So if care is not taken to place the welding ground close to the arc, the current may find another pathway. Firmly attach the clamp to bare metal as close as possible to the arc.
As a general rule, keep the distance the wire sticks out from the end of the gun’s contact tip to between 1/4 and 3∕8 inch.
“Use both hands whenever possible,” Collier urges. “Rest the crook of the gun neck in one hand and hold the part with the trigger in the other hand. Don’t hesitate when it comes to having your prop hand close to the weld. Get a heat-resistant, heavy welding glove if you need it.”
Next Board meeting is October 21st at 7 PM at the Norwich building in Bay View.
Maker Faire Wrap Party: at Norwich building, on October 23rd from 6 PM to midnight.
Next Space Improvement Day: Saturday, October 30th from 1 to 4 PM.
Zelda Pottery Day: Nov 5th at 7PM.
Safety Note
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Before you operate any power tool in the woodshop, turn on the dust collection system for that tool. Not sure which dust collection to use….ASK.
Jeff Mann (Board member and Ceramics Champion) says DUST is the #1 hazard in the woodshop.
Member Topics and Announcements
* Carl S: FUSION 360 classes are now held at NORWICH (moving from Lenox) at 7 PM. Classes can be attended in person, or virtually (Carl will send you the link). Thank you Carl.
* CERAMICS AND CERVEZAS every Wednesday.
* No heavy equipment in the newly paved parking lot for the next few months as the asphalt hardens. Pls reach out to Tom G, Dan J, Jake B or Rudy if you need to use a fork lift outside the building to load/unload. Do NOT attempt to use the fork lift outside the Norwich building.
Post Meeting Reminders
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Begin Tour
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
Alden: added supplemental power supply to his Mac to ensure his graphics card has enough juice.
Alex: made jewelery ring which glow in the dark
Bob R: Restored a Tonka model truck
Mike T: working on sunrise/sunset lights for insect eating plants
Scott: made a morris code contact with key individual
Karen: working on sponge mop.
Mystical bow out of 8“ aluminum.
Mark R: working on firmware on 3D printer
Guest introductions
Jeff M mowed the lawn at Lenox.
Mike T and Mike H and Anderson for installing a box so kiln works
Adam and Ben helped with bed on CNC in Norwich
Tom G: cousin donated polishing lathe
Mike T for bringing bag of bones and severed deer head
Dan J for teaching how to use excavator
Tim C for getting a Mag Drill and Concrete Saw