Meeting #644. Agenda for Sept. 26, 2023
Member Project Updates
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Bill Tim help organizing.
Brandt: New electric whips.
Anna: Brandt, and Paul S for laser expansion.
Stephan and John help with hackrack.
Tim: (Something).
Jon: Hapto, Brandt: Trimming tree on power box.
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Tim, Jon, Carl, Tim, anna, Bill C., Andrew, (vac fmr) goeff, hapto
Guest & New Member Introductions
Total guests: n= 20
Second-timers: n= 7
Events for 2023
Model Monday. Mondays at 7 pm, Norwich: Fusion 360 Computer Aided Design/CAM class with Carl S. Starting next month will alternate between beginning and advanced class.
Most Tuesdays: Maker Faire planning meetings, 6 p.m., same building as regular Tuesday meeting.
Most Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Lenox: stained glass training with Bill Coon.
Odd Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Norwich: Woodshop Differences Training.
Wednesdays at 5pm-ish, Norwich: Ceramics and Cerveza with Jeff M. Last Wed. of month, 6 p.m. May be CANCELLED This week. Check website.
Wednesdays at 5pm, Norwich: metal casting area.
This Wed.: Rummage sale sign making. Come help Anna.
Wednesdays 6 pm., Bytes and Beers: Arduino/electronics class. No class this week.
Thursdays: 6 p.m. Steel Tigerlillies women's led sculpture collective at Norwich. Come make small project.
Thursdays at 6:00 - 8pm, Lenox: Woodshop Orientation Training (please message the Google Groups to RSVP). Skipping this week because of Board meeting.
Fridays at 6pm, Norwich: Open-Forge-Friday blacksmithing. Norwich.
Second and third Friday: Board game night.
Special Events
Woodshop fundraiser Auction item due date. (Auction live Oct. 5.)
Maker Faire Nov. 4 and 5: Ann, Tuesday meetings at 6 p.m. before public meeting to help plan and be involved.
Sept. 30, Maya: Yarn Bombing linking party, fundraiser for efforts to support displaced LGBT youth.
Tim: You can add your calendar to your phone.
Member Topics and Announcements
Wood shop art auction still collecting things through the 8th of Oct. Kathy: Need not be MS project.
Makerfaire Nov. 4-5. MS booth, nerdy derby booth. Need volunteers for both. Use QR code to sign up. MS will buy dinner.
Discord: Join it. Better than Google groups.
Tim: Will be fundraiser for giant Prusa 3D printers.
Safety Note
Helpful Hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member project in-depth
Kathys: Deep dive on Auction, how it will work, etc.
Doug P: Visitor from Boston Makerspace and short-term member: Compendium of projects and art, including much from Burning Man.
Tim Rules Project
Wrap up
meetingagenda/2023-09-26.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/27 01:01 by wildapricot-drayna_jonathan