Meeting #526 Agenda for June 1, 2021
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Membership Sign-ups
Guest & New Member Introductions
Helpful Hint
Many of us do a lot of finish-sanding on metal, plastic, wood and other materials, freehand/without a sandpaper block, to smooth edges and get into nooks and crannies. But the finer grits are usually bonded to thinner paper and frequently the paper is too thin and ends up tearing long before the grit wears out. So apply duct tape to the back of the sandpaper. The sandpaper is still flexible enough to sand a tight radius and it's far more durable/less likely to tear. You can use this stronger sandpaper like a shoeshine rag.
Next Space Improvement Day is scheduled for SATURDAY, JUNE 19th.
Maker Fair scheduled for September 24-26. The MMS level of involvement is TBD. Fair being hosted by MSOE
Jeff M signed up the MMS to participate in the Bay View Gallery night on Friday, June 25th. Need members to help with set up, tear down and to give tours to visitors. Also a great spot to sell your projects. There is a sign up sheet on the WIKI.
Safety Note
Younger members: are you tired of having to repeat yourself to some of our senior members? Then wear ear protection to save your hearing.
Hearing loss can occur when exposed to 85 decibels of noise averaged over 8 hours. Let’s put this in perspective. Normal conversations typically occur at 60 decibels, well below the hearing loss threshold. For every 3 decibel increase past 85 decibels, hearing loss can occur in half the amount of time. So it only takes 4 hours of exposure to 88 decibels for hearing loss to occur, and 2 hours of exposure to 91 decibels. Once noise levels exceed 100 decibels, a person can suffer hearing damage in as little as 15 minutes. The louder the noise, the faster hearing loss occurs.
Where do the tools at the Space fit into this picture?
Air compressors from 3 feet away register 92 decibels, which would take less than 2 hours to cause hearing loss
Powered drills register 98 decibels, which would cause damage after 30 minutes
Typical factories often register at 100 decibels – that’s 15 minutes of exposure
Powered saws can reach 110 decibels from 3 feet away, which could cause permanent hearing loss in under 2 minutes
Hearing protection is a choice…….the facts are the facts.
Rule and Regulation of the Week
1) For vaccinated members, masks become optional
- “Vaccinated” means 14 days after having had your second shot of Pfizer/Moderna (or first of J&J)
- You must still carry a mask in case wearing it is requested by another member
2) Non-vaccinated members must wear masks at all times and observe all social distancing guidelines.
3) If you enter a work area (e.g. the woodshop) that is already occupied, you must ask others if it is ok to work without a mask. As part of being excellent to each other, please ask permission rather than presuming others are comfortable working around unmasked individuals. Not all members are comfortable asking others to put on a mask.
4) Trainers/people putting on classes will determine the protocol they are most comfortable with (e.g. the class size, whether or not you must be vaccinated, whether or not attendees must wear masks, etc.). Remember, the trainers are volunteers. Classes, member-led group meetings, and community events such as Bay View Gallery Night are allowed to resume.
5) Public meetings return to in-person, inside events (likely to be held in Norwich). Meetings, along with other schedules events (such as space improvement days) are mask-only events. The mask requirement policy will be addressed in the future when necessary (likely at each monthly board meeting).
These new rules will go into effect Monday, June 1st. We would like to stress that the normal operating procedure is to assume you must wear a mask unless everyone else is in the room is comfortable without it. If there are any questions, please reach out to or post it to the google groups. Others may have the same or similar question to yours, so it never hurts to default to the google groups over the board email.
Member Topics and Announcements
Carl announced the next 2 Fusion 360 classes will be on-line while they finish the battle bot project.
Check the message as the next session is tentatively slated to be in person.
To everyone's best recollection, this was our first meeting in a meeting room since March 10, 2021
Post Meeting Reminders
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Begin Tour
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
Guest Introductions
8 guests
Signed up 4 new members
Recognition for AWESOMENESS
Tom G: installing projector in meeting room
All the members that participated in Space Improvement Day
Dan and Marcus: for all the work they do at Norwich
Tim: for doing an enormous amount of heavy lifting as President.
The Board for good stewardship through Covid.