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Meeting #543 Agenda for September 28, 2021


  • Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
  • Member Recognition for Awesomeness
  • Membership Sign-ups
  • Guest & New Member Introductions
    • Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
  • Meeting adjourns

Board of Directors Fall Elections

  • Nominations were closed effective 7 PM today, September 28th.
  • Nominations:
    • President: Tim Campbell
    • Secretary: Bill Reid
  • Member-at-Large position:
    • Marcus Schneider nominated, seconded, accepted
    • Nominations will remain open until 6:59 PM on Tuesday, October 5th.
      • You can nominate a member via the member google group. Nominees must be seconded and accepted.

Helpful Hint

  • Doing multiple “same-size” cuts on the table saw (e.g. cutting 50 matching plaques). Use the Rocklear sled with a stopper block and a hold down. This will give you the same size piece, time after time.
    • This is now part of the woodshop training. Any questions, see Woodshop trainer Bill R in the woodshop immediately following the meeting.


  • Next Saturday, October 2nd, Space Improvement Day from 1 to 4 PM.
  • Maker Faire Wrap Party: at Norwich building, on October 23rd from 6 PM to midnight.
    • It is a costume party

Safety Note

  • Know the address of where you are working. If there is an accident and you need to call 911, they are going to ask for an address:
    • LENOX building: 2555 S Lenox St, Milwaukee, WI 53207
    • NORWICH building: 2517 E Norwich Ave, St Frances, WI 53235
  • These addresses are posted through out each building along with other important numbers to call (e.g. WE Energy for when you smell gas, etc.)
    • Know where these sheets are posted. Easier to find them and remember where they are when you are not under significant pressure.
    • For example: at Lenox, info is posted by the main entrance (middle door in alley) and by the circuit breakers.

Rule and Regulation of the Week

  • Keep the designated aisles in Norwich and Lenox buildings OPEN. This is mandated by the Fire Marshall in each respective city and makes it easier to move projects around the Space.

Member Topics and Announcements

* Carl S: FUSION 360 classes are now held at NORWICH (moving from Lenox) at 7 PM. Classes can be attended in person, or virtually (Carl will send you the link). Thank you Carl.

  • These classes are now being recorded and are available for viewing on You Tube. Carl will send you the link.

* CERAMICS AND CERVEZAS every Wednesday.

  • The goal being to rebuild our ceramics community.
  • BYOB and enjoy.

* No heavy equipment in the newly paved parking lot for the next few months as the asphalt hardens. Pls reach out to Tom G, Dan J, Jake B or Rudy if you need to use a fork lift outside the building to load/unload. Do NOT attempt to use the fork lift outside the Norwich building.

Post Meeting Reminders

  • Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
  • One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
  • Begin Tour

What Did We Talk About

Project Updates

  • Jon made a gun case out of wood, leather, and metal.
  • Marcus: large (5'x10') CNC at Norwich is drilling its own holes for hold downs.

Guest introductions

  • 12 guests
  • Scott and Karen gave the tours
  • Bill signed up 4 new members


  • Tim C for fixing the water cooler.
  • Maker Faire: Jake, Faith, Tom G, Karen Alden, Jeff, Jon D, Tate, Rick, Marcus, Bill, Tony, Claire S, Mark , Kathy and Jon H, Mike T, and so many others for set up, booth management and tear down.
  • Alden for helping Jeff with ceramic wheel repair.
meetingagenda/2021-09-28.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/29 00:24 by wildapricot-reid_william