Meeting #568 Agenda for March 29, 2022
Member Project Updates
Carl: Flugtag prototype
Jon: Flugtag wing test
Nancy: Carrot pen
Dan J: New buckets under air compressor
Mike: Brick weights on antenna on roof
Mike T: Youtubed 3d print towel disp key.
Members recognition for Awesomeness
Jeff: Help on SID for ceramics area
Jake: John K got Miller welder working, wood shop owesomeness
Marcus: SID participants
Hapto: Rainbow road- whomever worked on it anonymously
Charlie: Tony for helping with glass area proposal & wifi;
Bill K. will help with grider;
Jeff for guidance; Mike T. for being amazing, cake.
Jeff: Carl for hanging art
Guest & New Member Introductions
JP, Dirdre, Jay, Zach, Jessica, Anna, Christi, John, Amina, Shelly, Mike
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Tim C., Marcus, Jeff, Rick, Dan, Steve, Jake, Sara (Hapto), Mike T., Alden
April 5 open for president nominations, April 12 president nominations close.
April 19 nominations open for communications, operations and treasurer.
Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM., Carl
Ceramics and cerveza, Wednesdays, 5ish, Jeff
Forge Friday, Friday 6 p.m., Dan
Arduino class, Thursday, April 21, (waitlist) running three Thursday, then …?
Flugtag, Wed., 7 p.m. Norwich, Carl
BOD April 21
Safety Note
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
National Inventors Month is coming up in May, and we are looking for your brief stories (ideally with photos, plans or sketches) of something you 'invented' to solve a problem. No challenge to big or too small, so long as you are proud of the solution you came up with and willing to share a story about it! Feel free share your responses on the Members Only Google Group with the subject line “Inventions For May”, or email alden.hoot at our domain name.
Tim C will be holding a 3D Printer repair class.
The Arduino class is full and there's a waiting list. If you haven't paid by Venmo please pay Jon Drayna after the meeting. It's going to be great!
April 24th: WIKI Improvement Day
Post Meeting Reminders
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Begin Tour