Meeting #584 Agenda for July 19, 2022
* Jeff calls meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Member Project Updates
Flutag Team: 22' wide and 16' long
Mike T: Forge intermediate class - made a trivet
Marcus: made 2 geodesic spheres
Jake B: made a cross bow with 150 lb draw
Karen P: repaired feet on a sewing machine
Alden completed a forge project with Dan Js help.
Jeff M made a cool mug last week
Members recognition for Awesomeness
Faith: Everyone that helped out on the Flutag project
Dan J: Faith, Jake and Dan for jumping off the platform into the water
All the members that was a the Flutag event to support the team
Linc for donating all the wood for the Flutag glider
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Jeff: President & Ceramics Area Champion
Bill R: BOD
Rick P: Woodshop Champion
Carl: BOD/Communications
Mike T: Facilities Director and HAM Radio
Marcus: BOD, CNC, 100 W laser, Electronics, Metal Shop
Sarah: laser cutters Co-Champion and Silhouette Champion
Dan J: Asst Treasurer, Forge area champion, manages the Norwich building
Alden H: BOD
Colin: Treasurer
Jake B: Welding champion and Forge area co-champion
Faith: Craft lab co-champion and Cosplay champion
John: Paint room champion and co-champion of 3D printing.
Guest & New Member Introductions
Total guests:
Tours will be done by Bill R
Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM led by Carl S. Also streamed on line and saved for future viewing on YouTube
Ceramics and Cerveza: Wednesdays, 5ish, led by Jeff M
Forge Friday: Friday 6 p.m., led by Dan J.
Thursdays at Lenox Initial Woodshop Orientation 6 to 8 pm led by Bob R & Bill R, and Tuesdays, at 7:45pm Norwich differences led by Rick.
Board game night: second Friday of month, 6:30 to 9:30 at NORWICH (Kathy L.) Next game night is Friday, August 12th
Milwaukee MakerFaire: October 21st to 23rd, State Fair Park.
July 30th is Space Improvement Day at LENOX from 1 to 4 PM; food provided after clean up. No making from 12 noon to 5 PM.
Board of Directors meeting on July 21st at 7PM at NORWICH meeting room.
Sunday August 14th is WIKI improvement day at LENOX from 12 noon to 3 PM. Food will be provided.
Starting Thursday, July 28th Mike T is holding HAM Radio class for your Technician license. Class will be held at NORIWCH every Thursday at 7 PM.
Safety Note
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Post Meeting Reminders