Meeting #450 Agenda for April 30th, 2019
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Remind members and guests to park on the “wrong” side
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Who Wants a Tour?
Membership Sign-ups
If you intend to sign up tonight, please have your completed application at the desk by 8:00 pm
Someone is working the Desk
Guest & New Member Introductions
Helpful Hint
Help needed for Bay View Gallery Night on May 31st! (See Carl)
Fox6 TV segment moved from May 8th to June 6th,,,
Voting! Election! Fun!
Safety Note
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Tuesday night is trash and housekeeping night. The dumpster is hungry; feed it!
The vacuums on the other hand frequently are over-full. Please help them out by emptying them.
Please turn out the lights and check to make sure the 2 gas tanks in the welding area are shut off (righty tighty). Thank you!
Announcements from Area Champions:
Forge is down, Jake will speak with Alex and Dan about how to fix it
Posters are now up in the welding area to answer basic questions
Billy will be out of town starting June, try to be on time with paying your dues (try auto pay) so there are no issues
Every Monday at 7pm, there is a Fusion 360 class. Carl will begin to show up at 6:30 to catch new users up
Iron worker has arrived at the space
Tom will be doing forklift training
There is spray paint that needs to be put away and sorted through
Steff was elected to be the Member at Large
Meeting Adjourns
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following the meeting. Meet in the front lobby by the off-white sectional.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
Neil: miniature standing bass
Tom: Finished LED core for security system
Mark: reworked the table for megamax
Carl: Made two lamps
Pete: possible makerfaire display
Guest Introductions
Recognition for AWESOMENESS
Jake for instructing on welder
To everyone who helped on space improvement day (new outlets, ceiling tiles, posters, cleaning, etc.)
Carl for interviewing for Steff’s podcast
meetingagenda/2019-04-30.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/01 00:25 by faith