Meeting #574 Agenda for May 10, 2022
President calls meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Member Project Updates
* A members made a set of bags for mothers day.
* Karen made a lining for a old time jacket.
* Bobby C making a ghost busters
* Made sail boat parts for his friends.
* Mike T made a six cup turner for painting for his daughter.
* Hapto held painting Bagaloo at Norwich.
* A guest made a UV board you write on with a UV pointer.
* 1st experience with welding and is welding a metal shower.
Members recognition for Awesomeness
* Charlie thanks Kyle for holding the mallet class
* Dan thanked Sarah for cleaning the west room and Marcus and Tom for helping to clean up the wood shop.
* Carl thanked Sarah for holding a cool art class
* Dan put in a new card reader at Norwich.
* Guest thanked Carl for inviting them to the meeting.
Guest & New Member Introductions
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
* Jeff: Board member: President and Ceramics Champion
* Charlie: glass fusion area champion
* Sarah: Laser area champion
* Colin: Board member: new treasurer
* Carl: Board member: communications
* Dan J: Asst Treasurer and lead at Norwich
* Mike T: Board member: Facilities Director
* Bill R: Board member: Secretary and woodshop trainer
* Marcus S: Board member: Electronics champion
Guest & New Member Introductions
8 guests, 4 second-timers
Board-member at large nominations open. At-large board members assist, give input, take on special projects. Alden nominates self, Dan seconds; Mike T. nominates Charlie Powell, Jeff seconded.
Stump speeches given by Alden and Charlie.
Nominations closed, election will be held on-line and in person at the meeting next week (May 17th).
Fusion 360: in person at Norwich on Mondays at 7 PM led by Carl
Ceramics and Cerveza, Wednesdays, 5ish, led by Jeff
Forge Friday, Friday 6 p.m., led by Dan. This Friday is an intermediate class making cork screws.
Sewing Basics, Monday May 16th, Craft Lab, led by Faith
Arduino class, Thursday, May 18. Watch “abridged summary” email for new class starting in June.
Flugtag, Wed., 7 p.m. at Norwich, led by Carl.
We got a sweet box with Redbull swag for the space.
Check out
Join us on build night every Wednesday or share the link with your friends and family and help us raise money for materials
Thursdays at Lenox Initial Woodshop Training 6 to 8 pm led by Bob R, will be initial wood shop training, and Tuesdays, at 7:45pm Norwich differences led by Rick.
Board meeting rescheduled for May 26th, Norwich.
Bay View Gallery Night June, sign-ups coming out soon. (Hapto)
Board game night second Friday of month, 6:30 to 9:30 (Kathy L.)
Saturday the 14th at 7pm, Dan J will hold a game of Mafia/Werewolf at Norwich.
Safety Note
Helpful hint
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Member Topics and Announcements
Post Meeting Reminders
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
Begin Tour by Carl and Karen