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Welcome to the Milwaukee Makerspace! This Member Handbook contains information you need to know to be successful at the space. Please read this. As a member, you have a responsibility to know the what's in here.


The Makerspace is managed by a Board, elected from the membership, and Area Champions, who oversee the activities in each of our areas. All these people are listed on the front page of the wiki. All of these people generously donate their time to the smooth functioning of the Makerspace; they are not compensated in any way. To contact the board email (Note, this list includes certain key people who are not on the Board.)

Official Documents

Members must review the Member Release Form (PDF file), and bylaws. The member release form is your promise not to sue the Makerspace for any injury or harm resulting from your time in the space. You must sign it and returned to one of the makerspace board members before becoming a member.

New Maker Checklist

Looking for a quick start? You can watch the Milwaukee Makerspace New Member Orientation video, then come back here for the details.

- For the Prospective Member:

  1. Get introduced and spend time with others at the space. You must visits both our facilities before joining.
    1. Attend public meetings/open nights on certain Tuesdays starting at 7 PM; and/or
    2. Attend as a guest of a current member any time.
    3. The building is not open to the public during non-public hours
  2. Complete the 'Member Release Form' and get it signed by two current members
  3. Meet with a Board Member to complete the sign-up process and get a key fob.
  4. Attend New Member Orientation. At this time your key fob will be activated.
  5. Find a storage space if you want one. See this:Member Storage Policies and Cost You are entitled to one square yard of storage with each family or individual membership.
  6. You must be at least 18 years old to join.

- For the Board Member


  1. Access the Member Software app from a computer or tablet (
  2. If they are not paying at sign-up, ask to postpone the sign-up process until they are ready to pay
  3. Verify member's name and address (drivers license, state id, utility bill etc.)
  4. Click the 'Members' tab and 'Add member'
  5. Enter the New Members's information and create a new invoice
    1. Set membership level to 'Individual - 1 Month.
    2. Take member headshot and upload as avatar.
    3. Do not give out any key fobs or punch codes for the doors without receiving payment first!
    4. Punch codes must end with a # character or they will not work
    5. Punch codes should be between 6 and 8 numerical digits
    6. Set storage area fields (free storage & space, ineligible, waiting list or rental storage & space).
    7. Set 5 monthly funding areas.
  6. Click 'Generate Invoice'
    1. If they are paying with Cash/Check, you can manually mark the invoice as paid.
    2. If they are paying with PayPal or Credit Card, leave the invoice unpaid, and save it.
      1. Open up the unpaid invoice, click 'Charge Credit Card' and let the user enter their payment details.
  7. Give the New Maker a key fob or a punch code for the doors (only if they have paid!)
  8. Give the New Maker the spiel
    1. Good topics to cover include:
      1. 3 BIG RULES
        1. Be Excellent to Each Other!
        2. Don't be a Dick!
        3. When in doubt: Ask yourself “What would Mr. Rogers Do?”
      2. What emails you'll get tonight:
        1. Welcome email, with link to member handbook
        2. Invoice/Receipt for first months dues
        3. Invites to google groups
          1. Good time to explain groups.
          2. Can use like a message board or mailing list, depending on your settings.
      3. How does billing work:
        1. Always from the 1st of the month, rounded up or down depending on signup date.
          1. Tell them when their next bill is coming, so no surprises
        2. control panel for member
        3. Invoices come out 10 days before due date, the 20th or 21st usually.
        4. Due on the 1st. If you don't pay by 2nd, you are late
        5. Grace period - door keys cancelled on 7th for non-payment.
        6. Best way to pay is use Paypal/credit card on member control panel.
        7. Finally cash/check
      4. How the door keys work?
        1. 3 Doors that have fob readers
        2. What to do if they get a 'Unknown/Misconfigured/Expired' error - contact BOD, usually payment missing.
        3. The key works 24/7/365!
        4. Your key will be activated in the next 15 minutes when your account is created.
      5. Late night courtesies
        1. Park on the appropriate side of the street, or in our lot
        2. Do not leave the lights on if you are the last one
        3. Do not make loud noise between 9PM and 9AM
      6. Safety
        1. “Who to call” sheets are posted by every exit to the building.
        2. Fire extinguishers and first aid kits are posted throughout the building.
        3. We have used them both before! please know where the nearest one is when you are working in the shop.
      7. Quick overview of why we do things the way we do them:
        1. We are non-profit, non-stock corporation. - Nobody makes money, nobody owns us. Its all by members for members
        2. No employees, not even a janitor, BOD members all pay same dues as you, volunteer their time.
        3. Do-ocracy, if you think the bathroom needs cleaning, you better clean it.
        4. If you have an idea for improvement, encouraged to implement, subject to the “be excellent” rule. Remember to discuss with affected members beforehand!
        5. Your dues pay the mortgage, insurance, and utilities on the building. Tools are loaned by members to the rest of the group. Treat with respect!
        6. Area funding, you suggest where $7.50 a month goes.
      8. Training
        1. You can use hand tools immediately
        2. You cannot use power tools until you are signed off
        3. Good way to get trained is to ask at the end of Tuesday night meeting or post on members-only board.
      9. Explain Area Champions
        1. Someone who is very experienced in a medium or style of working
        2. Probably spends a lot of time in an area/shop
        3. Probably owns most of the tools
        4. Can train you on everything in that area, good to help with projects.
      10. Events:
        1. Space improvement day
          1. Last Saturday or Sunday of every month
          2. Noon to 5pm
          3. No making on space improvement day
          4. Do the crap nobody wants to do
          5. Free food!
        1. Green permit is for projects needing temporary home.
        2. Defaults to 24 hour validity. A member can request to a BOD/Area Champion that it be extended up to 30 days. The champion is allowed to say no, based on group needs.
        3. If expired permit, or no permit - Gets Red Parking Ticket
        4. If 7 day old ticket, goes to impound lot.
        5. Impounded items not claimed after a month will be given away or thrown out
        6. Please don't abandon stuff, it just means more work for me - and sadness for you.
      11. Project storage
        1. Every member is entitled to 1 free shelf OR locker with membership
        2. Talk to facilities director to find an empty space
  9. At the end of the Night
    1. Used the saved “Emails to add to google groups” search to get a list of emails of everyone who signed up
    2. Direct-add to Members-Only list, with web-only subscription (no emails)
    3. Send them all invites to the Google Groups; Public group
  10. OPTIONAL: Add the New Maker to our growing social media empire
    1. If they are Twitter users, add them to the list:!/list/mkemakerspace/members
    2. If they are Facebook users, tell them about the 'Milwaukee Makerspace' page on Facebook
    3. Other information found on the wiki
      Members Hand Book, Bylaws, Parking, Meetings, BOD Meetings, Storage, classes Equipment List, History, Events, Member Profiles…

- For the Area Champion


Coming Soon

Regularly Scheduled Events

We are open to the public for meetings on certain Tuesday nights – typically the first and third Tuesday of each month – starting at 6:30 p.m. On these Tuesdays we have our general membership, meetings normally at 7 p.m., to discuss business and give personal project updates. Agenda items can be added on the meeting agenda page.

For members, there are a wide range of regular activities such as a computer-aided design (CAD) classes, a weekly forge workshop, ceramics sessions, game night, stained glass workshops, and many, many more.

Please check our calendar for details on upcoming membership meetings and to see the schedule of other activites.

Dues Payment

Dues are $40 a month. People in a member's immediate household can get a family membership for an additional $10 a month. Membership levels are listed in the FAQ.

  • You can view all past and outstanding invoices at
  • Please pay using PayPal or Credit Card, through our member portal site if at all possible.
    • This option saves effort for our volunteer Treasurer, and eliminates manual processing errors.
  • As an alternative we accept the following:
    • Cash or check deposited in the Drop Box in the hallway near the bathrooms at Norwich, or the Drop Box between the Craft Lab and Meeting Room at Lenox.
    • Check mailed to our address (Checks should be made out to “Makerspace of Milwaukee, Inc.” and mailed to 2555 S Lenox / Milwaukee, WI 53207)
  • Payments are due the 1st of each month.
  • If your dues are not paid by the end of the day on the 1st, you can still come into the building to pay your dues, but should not be using tools.
  • If your dues are still not paid by the end of the day on the 7th, your key fob will be disabled and membership will be suspended.
  • Suspended members must reapply for membership by completing a new application form.
  • You can set up an automatically recurring payment through using a PayPal account. Some members have also arranged for their bank to mail us a check each month, but it is easier for the treasurer if you use the PayPal recurring payments.

Project Storage

  • All floor space rental is coordinated with the Operations Director.
  • The “general membership” level includes free storage up to a total of 9 SF (equivalent 36“x 36” shelf or two Lockers) per household.
  • The “family membership” level does not include any additional storage.
  • In lieu of shelving, members can store one member-made cart for free - maximum cart dimensions are 38” deep, 46“ long and 34” tall (including wheels), and are stored under the pallet racking in the east room.
  • Pallet Rack, ground level is for carts only. (Must have wheels)
  • Items stored on Pallet Racks must be on a Pallet for fork lift access, not on wire shelf.
  • All pallets shall fit in the pallet racking.
  • All carts must fit beneath the pallet racking.
  • All storage (lockers, shelves, pallets, projects) in the space shall be labeled with your name. Laser-cut name plaques are encouraged!
  • Items are not to be stored in front of pallets, shelves or lockers.
  • Storage is only for members in good standing, storage must be vacated immediately upon lapse of membership.
  • Floor space can be rented for larger projects.
  • For more information, please refer to:

Web and Email Communication

  • We have a Google Group mailing list that all new members are added to. If you were not signed up during New Member Orientation, request to join this list by emailing from the email address you used on your application. Do not unsubscribe yourself from this list. Doing so will make your Makerspace experience difficult for you and others.
  • Learn to manage the email you receive from the mailing lists at the Email Filtering Guide. Most members stay with the default setting of the daily digest, which sends you one daily email showing only a headline from each topic discussed the previous day. From this digest you can click through to email threads.
  • Important communications from the Board will be send directly to you as an email. Please read these.
  • Get an account for this Milwaukee Makerspace wiki by signing in with your account.
  • We also have a Discord portal for groups to discuss things in particular areas of interest. Join at:
  • To create blog posts to show off your great projects, contact to get your Milwaukee Makerspace website account setup. After your account is created you can login with the link on the bottom of the page here and create a blog post by clicking on the “Posts” button on the left had side of the screen and then click on the “Add New” button. Posts appear on the home page.
  • Keep track of makerspace events by following our Google Apps calendar using XML, ICAL, or HTML.

Social Media Sites

Social Media Code of Conduct

In order to keep things civil and respectful, the Board of Directors has adopted the following guidelines for discussions on the message boards and other social media:

  • Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated!
  • Keep criticism constructive.
  • Please refrain from name-calling or derogatory statements.
  • The group has no tolerance for discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation or religion.
  • Any conduct that the Board determines to be offensive will be addressed as necessary.

Shop Rules and Safety

If you see something unsafe, say something, do something. Speak to the member, unplug the machine, add a label warning about an unsafe thing. It’s hard to draw a box around every case, but the key is to be pro-active.

You must be checked out on every power tool / machine at the Makerspace prior to using it. Even if you are familiar with that machine already, or own one at home. To be checked out on a machine, see:

Training Classes (must be logged into Wiki to view).

If you do feel like you are an expert on a machine. Please consider giving back to the makerspace by volunteering to be a tool trainer and help get other members up to speed.

Use appropriate eye and hearing protection.

Please do your part to keep the space neat. Before you leave the space clean up and put away whatever equipment and workspace you may have been using. Projects often involve working on several machines, and it is easy to accidentally miss something during clean up. To offset this, its best to clean around areas you didn't use. In other words, be a good Makerspace citizen and try leave the space cleaner than you’ve found it.

Feel free to consume the resources of the space (scrap, electronics components, etc.) but be reasonable about the quantity. Please don't go into mass production using the community materials! It’s a great idea to put a donation in the machine shop donations jar when using consumables. If you are burning up end mills with all the machining you need to do, please buy a set just for yourself.

If you damage something that you cannot repair, contact the area champion immediately. Don't leave it for someone to find. We encourage you to participate in the repair to learn more about the equipment you're using. Many of our machines are on loan from individual members, and one of the worst sins at the Makerspace is to damage something and not report it. Likewise, please don’t move or modify any large equipment in the space without approval from the area champion and equipment owner.

All waste, including sawdust and wood shavings, must be placed in a dumpster (not spread on the ground).

Personal tools:

You may bring your personal tools into the Makerspace, but put your name on it and keep it in your storage area when you are not actively using it, and yes, the rules about non-members still apply, even if it's your own tool.

Donations of money and materials

Financial donations

Monetary donations are very gratefully accepted! Milwaukee Makerspace is a 501( c )(3) non-profit educational charity. Your donation is tax deductible. Donation payments can be made online here: Checks can be mailed to us at: Milwaukee Makerspace 2555 S Lenox St Milwaukee WI 53207

Checks or cash can also be dropped off in person using the treasurer drop box in either one of our buildings. If you would like a donation receipt for tax purposes, please email and we will be happy to assist you.

Equipment Donations

Much of the equipment at the Makerspace is there because of the generosity of past donors. However, at this point in our growth, we do not have the resources, funds, volunteer talent, or space to accept any but a few select items. Donations of equipment or machinery must be approved by an area champion or a Board member before any commitment is made to accept the donations.

Please email if you are interested in donating any tools. Sadly, we will curse you all the way to the dumpster as we dispose of your un-approved equipment donations. The exception to this is small non-powered hand tools, which can be simply placed on appropriate tool racks.

Materials Donations

The makerspace thrives on donations of materials. However, certain material donations are not worth the precious storage space they make take up. You may donate materials only if you immediately place them on the appropriate area hack racks in accordance with the area champion's wishes. If you're not sure of the area champion's wishes, you must get approval from the area champion before donating materials.

Other "good stuff" to give away

The Norwich meeting room has a rack for “up for grabs” items, where you may leave small items for others to peruse. Items remaining here more than a week or so will be thrown away. Only items that fit on a shelf can be accepted – anything left on the floor near this shelving will be thrown out. Large-ish items can be put on the general HackRack in the East Room of Lenox (across from the 3D printing area) if, and only if, you take an item of equal or greater size. No VCRs or old CRT-type TVs, please! If possible leave a “Donation” tag on your stuff so other people know what it is or whether it works.

Thanks very much for considering the Makerspace for your donations!

Snack bar rules and etiquette

  • Members may use the snack bar/kitchen areas to warm up and eat sack lunches or group meals.
  • Snacks are available for purchase on the honor system.
  • You can pay with cash.
  • If you pay with PayPal, the transaction fee comes off the top, so the Makerspace only receives about 48 cents from the first dollar. It's better to deposit a lump sum (say, $10) and keep an “account” of the cost of things you take. Just make another electronic payment when your “account” runs down.
  • Cover anything you put in the microwave.
  • Never put any sealed containers of liquid in the freezer, even for a minute.
  • Please immediately wash, dry and put away dishes or utensils you use.
  • If you put out food to share (thanks!), please return promptly to dispose of leftovers and clean up.
  • Put your name and date on any item you placed in the 'fridge. Unlabeled items will be thrown away.
  • You may not leave any alcoholic beverages in the 'fridge or any other public area, because we have members who are not 21.

Guest Policy

Members may bring up to four adult guests. All guests are required to sign a waiver. No guests may handle any MMS power tools. The responsibility for guest behavior, cleanup, and leaving the space better than it was found, regardless of age, lies with the hosting member(s).

Events: Occasionally, we host events at the space that welcome the outside community. Each guest is required to sign a waiver and will be accompanied by a guide or granted limited access, with specific dangers and permitted locations mentioned in special cases (such as Iron Pours and similar events).

  • Guests under the age of 18 are not allowed in MMS shops and tool areas.
  • Minors between the ages of 12 and 18 may be informed of risks and travel directly in the yellow lines between supervised non tool areas (e.g.: the bathroom area, or in a member’s personal rental space alone).
  • Minors under the age of 12 must remain within sight of, and under the direct control of, their hosting member at all times.
  • The member is responsible for the safety of this or her guests. The Makerspace assumes no liability in case of any guest's injury or illness.
  • The Board, in consultation with the appropriate Area Champions, may make exceptions to allow participation by minors for specific events (like Makesgiving).
  • Pets: Pets owners are responsible for keeping their animals out of dangerous areas and maintaining a non-aggressive stance. Any member may ask to have any pet to leave the space without question. Pets should be leashed, penned or carried at all times in the MMS spaces. Owners are expected to immediately clean up after their pet should any accidents occur. Please be advised that, in addition to concerns about member comfort and allergies, there are often substances in the air and on the floor that may adversely affect your pet’s health. (Mousetraps, poisons, toxic residues, etc.) This policy does not apply to trained service animals.
  • Reporting Problems: If you observe any problematic guest dynamics or wish to request an exception, please email and CC the relevant area champion(s).

Teaching Classes

Perhaps you'd like to teach a soldering, welding, or sewing class? That's awesome, and a big part of what keeps the space vibrant and successful. If you want to teach a class to members only, that's easy. Just check in with a board member or area champion to learn about any possible pitfalls or conflicts, then go for it. You can also open your class to non-members. To do so:

  • You must propose your class to the BOD ahead of time and get approval in writing before running it.
  • Depending on the activity and the inherent hazards within, you may have to produce a formal lesson and safety plan.
  • The usual limits on the number of guests do not apply. You can have as many students as you wish.
  • It is your responsibility to make sure that ALL GUESTS sign sign the space's liability waiver.
  • Your students must be under direct supervision of you, or a fellow instructor at all times.
  • You may require that students make a donation to MMS or a specific area in order to participate in the class, but it is up to you.
  • If you charge money for the class, and it goes into your pocket, you are no longer covered by the space's liability policy and you must get your own insurance coverage. Guests still have to sign the liability waiver for the space even if you have your own coverage.

Voting and Elections

Our By-Laws spell out what is required for Board of Directors elections. The Board of Directors has adopted the following specific practices.

  • Note:
    • The By-Laws supersede other policies.
    • If any conflicts or discrepancies exist in the following information, the By-Laws will always take precedence.
  • Duration
    • Votes are accepted for a period of one week
    • Voting opens immediately following a Tuesday meeting
    • Voting closes one week later at the next Tuesday meeting
    • Nominations for positions are handled in a similar way
  • How to vote:
    • A member may email their vote to info at (only the Board will see the vote)
    • A member may reply to the voting thread on the members-only mailing list (those on the mailing list will see the vote)
    • A member may also vote by ballot, in person, at the relevant Tuesday meeting (nobody will see who the vote came from)
  • Proxies
    • A member may designate another member to serve as their proxy
    • A proxy voter is counted once for themselves and once for each member that they represent
    • All votes cast by a proxy are counted toward the same position or candidate (a proxy voter cannot apply some votes to one option and some votes to another)
    • In the spirit of transparency and fairness, the Board of Directors requires that anyone who declares a proxy to email us (info at and clearly state the name of the member who you are giving your proxy to
    • A member may designate another member as their proxy in person at a meeting while a vote is in progress
  • Abstention
    • Members may declare they choose to abstain from a vote.
    • Abstentions are recorded, but do not count toward or against any position.

Other Guidelines and Rules

  • First and foremost: Be excellent to each other!
  • Also: Don't be a dick. (see first bullet point)
  • The group has no tolerance for members (or their guests) performance of illegal activities at the space, or using space equipment in the conduct of illegal activities.
  • Lock up the Makerspace if you are the last person to leave. Turn off all of the lights. Close the garage door. Make sure all doors are locked.
  • Stay present when you have an outside door open. Birds, critters and unauthorized humans need to stay outside.
  • Keep all tools on Makerspace property. Offsite tool use requires prior approval from a Board member or area champion.
  • You may not use the Makerspace physical mailing addresses for any personal purpose. You may not receive mail or packages at the Makerspace. You may not use the Makerspace addresses on any personal form or application.
  • Stay awake, alert and sober. Hold off on that brewski until you're done with power tools.
  • Do not use use aerosol paint/VOC spraying inside Norwich. No “rattle cans” or compressed air paint spraying. Please go outside or use the Lenox paint room. Ditto on City Hall.
  • Keep motor vehicles out of Lenox. Attended cars are OK in Norwich, but no fluid work (e.g. oil changes).
  • Do not make or work on firearms or gun parts. Major fed no-no.
  • There are many books in the library on various topics (software, hardware, machining, etc). Members who donate books to the library should put their names on the outside of the pages or in the cover so we know who the books belong to.
  • Don't remove materials or tools from other members’ squares or pallets without that person's permission.
  • Leave your politics and religion at home. We are a maker space and don't want to start political or religious “discussions.” Just make stuff!
  • Per city ordinance, you may not sleep at the Makerspace, as it could result in revocation or alteration of our insurance/occupancy permit. This includes the parking areas.
  • There are fire extinguishers around the space. Please memorize their locations. Never place anything in front of a fire extinguisher.


  • Serious issues, including violence, threats of violence, performance of illegal activities at the space, or performance of illegal activities using space equipment will result in an immediate suspension of membership, with subsequent action per the By-Laws..
  • Other issues will result in a warning on first occurrence. Subsequent occurrences may be cause for suspension of membership per the By-Laws. Examples of behavior in this category include:
    • Harassment of members, guests, or neighbors
    • Vandalism
    • Damage to property
    • Unauthorized use of tools and equipment
    • Theft
    • Physical altercation
    • Violation of shop safety rules
    • Violation of group policies and procedures
    • Allowing guests/non-members to use tools

Anti-Harassment Policy

Milwaukee Makerspace is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of people at our events or space in any form.

Sexual language and imagery should only be used for positive purposes in accordance with best practices advocated by professional sex educators (if you’re not sure what those are, don’t do it).

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. It is every member's right to enjoy the Makerspace with or without interaction from other members if they so choose.

If you are comfortable doing so, you are encouraged to tell any individual who is harassing you or another member to stop their behavior. If you are not comfortable addressing the harasser directly, if the harasser does not immediately stop their behavior, or if you believe that the harassment violates the code of conduct, please contact the Board of Directors (in person or in email) or fill out and submit an incident form. The Board of Directors will treat your incident seriously and respectfully. The Board will never publicize your request or name without your permission, and the Board has zero-tolerance for members being retaliated against.


Confused by all the words people are throwing around? Take a peek at our glossary to help decipher any unfamiliar terms.
Glossary of Terms

newmemberpamphlet.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/12 02:11 by wildapricot-flannery_bryan