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Member Storage

New Member Storage Assignments

Three late payments (after 1st of the month) for rental space over a rolling 12-month period, results in forfeiture of rental space for locations where there is a waiting list. See →[]=late#any_topics_from_members_who_are_present

  1. Find storage that has bright orange signs saying available space.
  2. Email the storage space number to Put “Looking for Storage” in the subject line.
  3. Put the orange sign on the Operations/Facilities Director's table in the meeting room.
  4. Ops Director or Committee Member will verify availability.
  5. Place your name on the shelf using WHITE tape and a black marker (cover previous Label) Don't use a pen. The Ops Director can provide some white tape.

Member Storage Policy and Cost

Location Rental Rate
Storage included with $40 membership dues (up to 9 SF) FREE (if no other storage space is being rented)
Cart Space (~ 1/2 pallet size) FREE (if no other storage space is being rented)
Full-Pallet (40“x48”, 13.3 SF) $6 flat rate
Grey Metal Shelf in East Room (36“x36”, 9 SF) $4 flat rate
Craft Lab Shelving (48“x24”, 8.0 SF) $4 flat rate
Add-on locker or shelf $4 flat rate
Black Plastic Shelf in Coat Rooms (28“x15”, 3.0 SF) $4 flat rate
East & West Room Floor Space $1/SF (15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 SF)(This option is not available at this time.)
Vault Hallway Floor Space $0.50/SF (This option is not available at this time.)
Lockable Vaults $1.75/SF rounded up to nearest $10, ask Board Member

Storage Policy

  1. All floor space rental is coordinated with the Operations Director.
  2. The “general membership” level includes free storage (if no other space is being rented) up to a total of 9 SF (~ 36“x 36” shelf) per household.
  3. The “family membership” level does not include any storage as part of their dues.
  4. In lieu of shelving, members can store one member-made cart for free - maximum cart dimensions are 38” deep, 46“ long and 34” tall (including wheels), and are stored under the pallet racking in the east room.
  5. Pallet Rack, ground level is for carts only. (Must have wheels)
  6. Items stored on Pallet Racks must be on a Pallet for fork lift access, not on wire shelf.
  7. All pallets shall fit in the pallet racking.
  8. All carts must fit beneath the pallet racking.
  9. All storage (lockers, shelves, pallets, projects) in the space shall be labeled with your name. Laser-cut name plaques are encouraged!
  10. Items are not to be stored in front of pallets, shelves or lockers.
  11. Storage is only for members in good standing, storage must be vacated immediately upon lapse of membership.

As of 8/21/2014:

  • Total storage space for any single member is limited to a maximum of 100 square feet1 with exceptions approved on a case-by-case basis by the board. This is inclusive of shelving, vaults, floor space, etc.

As of 12/4/24:

  • If you rent any additional space beyond your complimentary space you need to pay for all your storage. Space is provided on a first come first serve basis.

Floor Space Rental, New Area Floor Space, Vault or Equipment Floor Space Request

  1. Additional floor space is limited to a maximum of 60SF for project/equipment, 60SF+ for new area startup
  2. Maximum amount of time is 3 months (New equipment or area will have one year probation)
  3. Must be a member in good standing
  4. Member or Group must submit a written request / proposal.
    Indicate if request is for a project, equipment or new area and provide a description
    Member / Champion Name and contact information
    Space size required
    Provide information on any other resources required.
  5. Email request / proposal to
  6. BOD will review at regular board meeting and vote to approve or not approve the use of additional space.
    Approval will be based on;
    Floor space availability
    Length of time required
    Potential hazards to space
    Member / Group accountability (do you pay your membership fees on time)
  7. If approved you will be sent an invoice for the space rental to begin the first of the following month.
  8. You will need to fill out the Storage space rental agreement and pay floor space fees prior to moving anything in to the space.
  9. All space rental is due the first of each month.
  10. Space Rental is automatically forfeited with three late payments in 12 consecutive months.
  11. Space rental is only for members in good standing, space rental must be vacated immediately upon lapse of membership.
projectstorage/storagepolicyandcost.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/05 15:19 by wildapricot-landrum_geoff