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Milwaukee Makerspace Pi-powered Informational System


The Milwaukee Makerspace Pi-powered Informational System (MMPIS for short) is a very large television at the space with a Raspberry Pi connected to it running as a kiosk. It provides important information to the members such as, which side of the street they should park on, upcoming events, and silly quotes from the wiki. (See Also MMPIS2.)

MMPIS is currently using Screenly Open Source Edition. The image and video assets can be stored locally on the Pi, or remotely on the web. The web pages are all running on my own server.

Progress Log

2017-06-01 - MMPIS was repaired by Dan J. Thanks, Dan!

2016-10-23 - MMPIS is still fully functional. Yay!

2015-05-19 - MMPIS is still fully functional. Huzzah!

2014-02-01 - MMPIS is fully functional again. The Ethernet cable was unplugged. ;)

2014-01-27 - MMPIS is malfunctioning. Pete or Chris will take a look as time allows. (The first screen is fine, so the system works, but the rest of the screens are on a server out on the Internet, which suggests the MMPIS is not properly on the network or cannot reach the server. And yes, the server is fine.)

2013-12-29 - MMPIS has been permanently installed in the lobby.

2013-12-29 - Blog Post - MMPIS (Part IV)

2013-12-20 - Blog Post - MMPIS (Part III)

2013-12-10 - New calendar code has been written and deployed.

2013-12-09 - Blog Post - MMPIS (Part II)

2013-12-08 - Blog Post - MMPIS (Part I)

2013-11-27 - The MMPIS is up and running.

Bill of Materials

Part Desc Vendor Part Nbr Qty Unit Cost Total Cost
Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Model B 1 $35.00 $0.00
Power Supply Monoprice 8856 1 $7.88 $7.88
Micro USB Cable Monoprice 4868 1 $0.82 $0.82
8GB SD Card Transcend TS8GSDHC10E 1 $8.95 $8.95
1080p HD Television Phillips ??? 1 $??? $0.00
Screenly OSE WireLoad, Inc. 1 $0.00 $0.00

Note that the TV was donated to the space by jason g. (Thanks!) and the Raspberry Pi was also donated to the space by an admirer of the group. (Thanks!) That's why they are listed as $0.00.

Makerspace Members

projects/mmpis.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/03 16:09 by raster