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Can I bring my own Clay?

  1. Yes but i will not change the studio to suit your exact needs.

Can I bring my own Glaze?

  1. Yes but i will not change the studio to suit your exact needs.

Where can I buy XYZ?

I have a friend that wants to…..

  1. I have no issue if your friend wants to come and experience the studio but they must follow makerspace guidelines, handbook, and bi-laws

Do I have to drink during C&C?

  1. Absolutly not, but if you do drink I suggest it… it helps people relax a little, lighten up, and enjoy the social aspect of C&C

How can I get trained on XYZ?

  1. Start with the 101 then we can work on the next requests. some things like kiln training I would prefer you wait on getting. We have plenty of kiln loaders that are well trained. If I trained everyone that walked through the door that wanted training on XYZ. I would be a full time makerspace trainer.
areas/ceramics/faq.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/14 20:51 by wildapricot-mann_jeff