Prerequisites: None
Ceramics 101 Topics and Main points
Things to remember about 101 its a “safety and expectations class” not a how to. Don’t let it become a “how to”. It should take about one hour to go through all of this stuff. If the students start asking about “advanced” topics (glaze chem, kiln tech, throwing techniques, ect) don’t be afraid to just refer them to the current champion as that is out of scope of the training and may require additional trainings.
This list is ordered in walking order of the ceramics area:
Coat Rack/Apron Hooks
Feel free to store your coats/aprons
that will become “communal” apron if stored there
if you want it back, politely ask
Wedging table
Slop bucket
Slop goes here,
Dried out clay to be reclaimed goes here, 2 flavors
Do not place fired clay, colored clay, glazed clay, or laser cut clay into slop bucket
Clay bucket
Unused clay/ pugged clay goes here
Communal use
Two Flavors, Red and Raku (both stoneware)
Use raku prop, grey can be used with regular glazes
Reclaiming Dish
Slop goes in, wait days, remove and pug the clay.
Do not use tools to remove the clay, don’t scratch plaster
On and off switch
Forward and reverse
Cleanliness (no chunks), Talk about how to clean and what to use to clean - show example
Remember to turn them off
Chairs go on top of the wheels when done.
How to clean - grout sponge
General Cleanup
If you make a huge mess
Mop up the mess, don’t sweep it
The only exception is if it was trimmings that got on the floor
Water is always the best way to clean
Don’t use the shop vac, its for the kiln
communal tools live here
Please put them back clean when done
Keep them in a set. Plastic Rib, Needle Tool, Wire Tool, Metal Rib Wooden Knife.
Where to refill if something is missing
What is on the general tool rack
Sink Area
How to use the sink
What to throw in the sink (glaze, light clay water)
What NOT to throw in the sink (chunks), Slip buckets for throwing
Paper Towel - Goes in the trash
Clay Mixer
Check it when you are using the ceramics area - if it's very wet run it while you are here, turn it off when you leave
If it feels ready, UNLOAD IT
Show how to turn it on, and the 2 ways to turn it off (button + opening)
Pug Mill
Most dangerous tool
Don't stick your hand past the funnel “taper”
Cheater bar to help increase leverage.
Takes reclaimed “dried”(to a workable state) clay and mixes / compresses it for better properties
Is stored next to the Clay Mixer
It is on wheels and can be moved anywhere.
Clay from clay mixer can be pug milled for better consistency and less airyness
Slab Roller
Rolls out, (demonstrate opening and closing the table)
Must be clean
Don’t cut/work directly on melamine
Must use canvas to send clay through (under rollers)
Must progressively thin the clay like pasta ~25% increments
Brent Slab Roller
Adjust thickness with sheets of hardboard
use canvas in-between roller
hang canvas up to dry
Clay Extruder
Clean when done
Dies can be made from plastic/wood
Put dies back in the organization rack.
Show Rubber cover for dies and how it works.
Put T-Handle back where you found it.
Book Shelf
Mug Rack
Storage Shelves
Size affects drying speeed
Farther up dries faster
Get your stuff out fast - move to greenware shelf if you are ready to fire
Purging - shelf cleaned out every space improvement day and purge rack emptied
Show where purge rack is
Clean mixing sticks and scoops in the sink in wet clay area
Don’t cross contaminate
Wash with damp sponge
Bucket system on drawers, twist covers, magnet and pitcher
Washers on buckets can be reattached using superglue
Clean the base of your pieces after glazing, EVEN IF YOU USE WAX
Glaze Materials
If you want a new glaze rules: Reach out to Jeff to take Glazing 102 (by request) - 2-3hr class where you make a glaze
Calculate cost (I have a fancy spreadsheet, it is easy)
100-200g batch with and make test tile
Will be put into rotation after that
Don’t waste materials, one of the most expensive things of this area
Always wear an N95 dust mask from ceramics area
Firing Shelves
Wet clay (workable clay, what most people think about)
Leather hard (low moisture content clay that is hard but not completely dry)
Green ware (bone dry pieces waiting to be fired)
Bisque ware (after bisque firing, when you glaze)
Glazed ware (after final firing)
Clean the base of your pieces after glazing, EVEN IF YOU USE WAX
Cost of pieces and how to pay for them
Kiln Firing
Kiln Shelf System
Labeled, if its on the bisque or finished work rack you need to take action.
Firing Rules, loaders choice, no complaining
Things can get ruined in the kiln, we try not to let that happen, sometimes it does
Rejection sheets, explain what each means
Kiln training
This is a different 2-part class and is in no way necessary for use of the ceramics area, pieces will be fired on a “when kiln is full” schedule. (3 hrs. per loading and unloading kiln)
Don’t touch if you are not trained.
The Kiln is not a shelf to put stuff