Frame for Gradient Test Tile Sample
Summary Status
Done. Hung in the Laser Cutter Room.
Awhile ago the laser etched tile sample fell off a wall bracket and broke, so I glued it back together and stuck it in a frame.
Bill of Materials
Part Desc | Vendor | Part Nbr | Qty | Unit Cost | Total Cost |
Wood | Wood Shop scrap | n/a | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Plexiglas | Laser cutter room scrap | n/a | 1 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Project Tasks
Task | Status |
Layout | Done, 10/06/13 |
Cut wood and plastic | Done, 10/06/13 |
Mount/hang | Done, 10/06/13 |
Makerspace Members