Meeting #299 Agenda for May 17, 2016
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Guest & New Member introductions
Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.
Member Topics and Announcements
Lance changed shirts from MicroChip to Milwaukee Electric Tool. DURING THE MEETING.
Tormach CNC Router buy Update (Larry) - Should arrive mid-June
Next Tuesday more pouring of Aluminum ingots for Maker Fair
Hire crew members for Cross county bike trip.
4 by 8 CNC router is down (power supply)
Tuesday night is trash and housekeeping night.
Meeting Adjourns
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following meeting, meet in front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Member Project Updates
Dave made a cutting Board with logo in corner
Kathy made a big mushroom that will go in front of a septic tank
Marc is working on a steel table base is metal that looks like a tree.
Also had a check from Weld Specialties for $7,000 for Maker Faire
Wolfgang made wooden cleats from black locust for Willies boat
Karl finished his wooden lamp
A different Karl made an air power engine
Marc's wife Melanie made an electrified gourd
Markus did DRO for Bridgeport
Adrian showed a Nerdy Derby group car from Maker Faire
Recognition for Awesomeness
Adrian, Madison Maker Faire - also everyone that was at the Maker faire
Marcus for DRO
Tony for showing how to repair windows update
Steve for how to drill wheel
Wolfgang for a lot of things.