Meeting Agenda for January 29, 2013
70+ people attending
23 members
Milwaukee Makerspace overview
Ask guests to sign the Milwaukee Makerspace Meeting Guest Book
Guest introductions
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members (skip the whole “what you are into” part, just talk about projects!)
We Have Our Occupancy Permit!!
Grand Re-Opening And Welcome to Lenox Meeting!!
Due to the move, nothing has ownership labels - Form a plan to label everything. (added by Kevin)
We'll be hosting the Art Jamboree March 29th here at Lenox (added by Brant, event being managed by Jason H.)
New Makerspace, New Posters! (Shane)
South Shore Frolics Parade Proposal (Building a float for the “Presenting Sponsor”)
Insert your topics here
Meeting Adjourns
Any interested new members, see jason gessner or Brant Holeman to sign up!
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests, tours, etc.
meetingagenda/2013-01-29.txt · Last modified: 2013/01/30 01:19 by kevinb