Meeting Notes for January 10, 2012
Wiki and Website
A 2012 Maker Faire wiki page was added
Jason and Kevin discussed working on non-urgent website changes/upgrades
Year in review blog-post summary. What projects should we use? (Jason G)
New Welders
DIY CNC 3D Profiling Demo for Sunday
Rental Spaces
Mallory Building Discussion (Jason G)
Dividing up Mallory into parcels and squares
Adding a mezzanine in the shop suggested
4 vehicles max inside shop likely
The group noted we are not yet done looking for places and we're not ready to leave Chase Commerce yet
Physical requirements for tools and storage
Do we want it? How much will it cost?
meetingagenda/2012-01-10.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/04 09:39 by raster