Sandblasting Cabinet
Current Status
On lend from
There was some pre-cut window-protector material behind the blaster. If that's gone, there should be large rolls of the material in the laser lab on top of the cabinet behind the door. If you need acrylic scraps for other projects, Midland Plastics sells it for about $1/lb to Makerspace members. For a 0.22“ thick sheet that is about $1 per square foot.
This is how Sam does it:
Pickup a bag of Black Blast at HomeDespot or MyNerds or FleetFirm or whatever
Turn off the air and remove the hose
Open up the Sand Blaster top
Take out the screens
Empty all the “media” (often nothing but dust)
Clean out the hopper
Clean the intake
Empty the dust that fell while cleaning
Put the screens back in
Pour a plastic coffee can of Black Blast CAREFULLY onto the screen to sift it in case of QA issues or humidity chunks
Repeat until about a third of the bag is in there
Leave the bag under the blaster so the next person can enjoy fresh media (it’s not that expensive!)
Use a soft brush to clean all the dust and grit off the seal between the top and bottom of the cabinet
Replace the plastic over the window if it needs to be
Close the top
Open the side door and clean seal with brush
Place my steel inside
Close the door
Replace hose
Turn on air
Adjust pressure
Enjoy watching scale get obliterated!
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equipment/sandblaster.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/18 22:12 by raster