Milltronics Manufacturing Company, Chanhassen, MN
Partner Model 03
220-volt, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 6 kVa
Uses R8 shanks/arbors, preset holders
Manual tool changing, no auto tool changer
Can be used with Centurion I CNC or not
18“ Y-axis travel, 36” X-axis, 6“ Z-axis, also 4” quill
Metal Shop
Z motor installed
10/2015 - Arrived
The controller we have is a Centurion 1, 1 and 5 are similar, the 5 manual has more info.
Centurion 1 SLS programming manual: centurion_1_sls_programming_manual_mn-82.pdf
Centurion 5 Programming Manual cent_5_programming_manual_mn-14.pdf
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