Board Meeting Minutes for March 27, 2014
7:10 - Legal/Financial:
Review Treasurer's Report for February 2014
JoeR indicated that the income shown for February was higher than average and we should not assume it to be typical
It was also noted that the new dues structure will appear on the next report since it began in March, not February
JoeR, Tom and others discussed asking for volunteers to shovel and plow next winter due to the costs of a professional plow service
7:18 - Policies and Procedures:
Revisions to the By-Laws on hold
Tom noted that there will be some necessary changes to the By-Laws when our non-profit application is approved
The previously proposed revisions will be worked into a final draft in the future
7:20 - Tom suggested that new members undergo a probationary period
Tom indicated that during the probationary period new members would not be allowed to reorganize or modify parts of the building
New members would also need to attend an orientation class
Tom and others noted that all members should attend an orientation class eventually
It was not clear if the Board should track who has and has not attended classes
Tom and Joe discussed requiring both a probationary period and attending orientation class
Brant and Pete discussed how this policy may discourage new members from volunteering
The group noted that no one, current or new, should rearrange tools/machines without consideration for others and a probationary period would help that
Pete, Tom, and Joe noted that if a new member is excited, they should work with others before taking on a huge task or reorganization project by themselves. This would also help them learn from current members and meet new people.
The Board did agree to encourage all members to attend orientation classes
7:25 - Tom, Brant, and others discussed the need to remind people of the parking pass system
7:27 - Tom suggested to Pete that reMMinderbot be set up to post a “tip of the week” email
Pete and Dan discussed how to accomplish this best
Pete requested a database or list of rules be written to pull from; Brant volunteered
7:28 - Tom and others suggested the Allen-Bradley LED displays be used as exterior building signs
Tom suggested that the color of the text alternate from red to green depending on the day of the week
The color could be used as a secret code for members to indicate which side of the street to park on
7:34 - VOTE: Do we want to require a 90-day probationary period for new members?
7 votes yes
The implementation is still to be determined, but the Board agrees on the spirit of the policy and its intent
7:36 - Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
Forging/Casting/Hack Rack reorg in West Room (Dan)
99% completed
Intent of reorganization was to avoid/deter accumulation of random junk
Many compliments and few concerns noted from others so far
Dan noted that he and at least two other members have hit their heads on the large chimes over the forge
Dan and Jake would like to find a new place for them
They were relocated to the north hallway by the Craft Lab after the meeting
7:40 - Gas line for Forge
Pipe has arrived and is being stored on the floor in the West Room
It will take about 3 days to install and weld
Scissors lift might block the welders for a day or two
Board will send an email to the members about any work that blocks tools or work surfaces
BillW and Tom spoke about the gas valve for service outside garage door
Will use two valves in series to shut off outside service from inside
7:42 - Wired Network Upgrades
ChrisH, JoeB, Lance, MattW, and others involved
Step 1 was completed last Sunday
All network equipment moved to rack at far end of room, consolidated with access controls
New security camera DVR added to rack
96-port patch panel added
Allocations planned for specific items
Panel will have room reserved for 32 cameras, even if we don't need it
Everything works off RJ-45
Step 2
Camera locations
Brant shared a sketch of the floor plan
Chris and Lance have some other locations in mind
Will review outside of this meeting
Chris didn't see any need to mothball the existing camera DVR, just let it keep running
Additional phone locations planned
Continue rewiring existing data jacks
Step 3/Future Plans
Replace WAPs with better equipment
Goal to support both 2.4 and 5
GHz connections
Likely ~$250 per WAP or so according to Chris, will be discussed more in the coming months
7:44 - Rain barrels was briefly discussed
A significant amount of water would have to be collected to reduce our sewer/storm usage
No one has stepped up as a leader for this project
The Board is not interested in pursuing this unless another member takes it on
7:50 - Check on progress of Member Projects:
7:50 - Powder Coating Unit (RichB)
Board approved earlier this week
Working out details and location now
7:50 - Awnings at doors
Tom has wanted to put awnings over doors 1, 2, and 3 for awhile now
Better protection of doors and access control boxes from the elements
Improved safety/convenience for people entering/exiting
Permitting likely needed with city
Professionally installed awnings may cost hundreds or thousands
Lighting also desired
A retractable awning at the garage has been discussed in the past
More of a wish list item than anything else
The hope is that it would allow casting/forging in poor weather
7:52 - CNC Router (EdH,SteveP)
SteveP said Ed's been busy, but progress is being made
Currently working on Y-axis parts
7:54 - CNC Plasma Cutter (JRod)
To be completed April 30th, 2014 - Tentative
Joe is waiting on parts ordered from China
7:57 - HMMMMM
The Board considered:
Is it a tool for everyone or a personal project?
Who is trained on it? KevinB but not clear who else
Is it taking up floor space that would be used by other members?
Should the Board vote that it stay or go or should the members?
Tom noted there's a precedent with the Darkroom
It was taking up space and no one championed it, so it was removed
VOTE: Should we put it before the members to decide if it is a tool for everyone or a personal project?
5 voted yes and 2 people abstained
8:00 - 40 watt laser cutter
Only JasonG and 2 others have been trained on it
Not clear if those 2 people can train others
Jason did offer a training session, but it sounds like it was poorly attended
Brant said he'd request another training session and post to the member's only list
8:07 - KevinC's Sandblasting Cabinet
There's an old door on the table with clamps in the east room
Tom emailed the list on Tuesday about it
Kevin replied that the parking pass had fell off it and it was intended for a sandblasting cabinet for group use
The Board was not contacted about it and it's not clear if any other members are in favor of it
Someone noted that the table is clamped to might also be KevinC's personal work surface, which many people had not heard before
MattW raised concerns about how well the cabinet would be sealed
Tom also noted the wood will need to be replaced eventually as the sand would eat it
MattW said he would ask KevinC for plans/intent and review it with him
It was mentioned that we may be able to purchase or acquire a large (proper) sand blasting booth if people want such a thing
8:12 - BillW and others mentioned the desire for larger sandblasting cabinet
The Board asked for more details when they are available and to consider soliciting donations from members
8:13 - New equipment/donations:
8:13 - Stake Anvil stand in forging area (Dan)
Dan explained that Jake and 2 other members were OK with it, but he wanted to bring it before the Board also
There were no objections noted
8:15 - BillW wants to bring in his desktop arbor press
VOTE: Board approved arbor press
Location TBD
8:16 - Wood lathe offered by JoeR
48“ long, 2 HP motor
Also a 6” wide belt sander and 10“ disc sander unit offered
VOTE: Board approved both tools
Joe also noted that his metal horizontal bandsaw had been used for cutting wood recently, the coolant was off
8:20 - Final location of the 4×8 router TBD
The intent discussed was to replace the current CNC router in the wood shop
The new 4×8 router would need to be oriented north-south along the long axis to fit in the room
It was previously suggested the panel saw be moved into the Kuka enclosure, however it will not be possible to rip 8 foot long stock in that space, the overrun is too limited
8:21 - Pete mentioned a possible material/tool donation from MartyE, he will send to the Board mailing list
8:23 - Tiffany and others would like to build a jeweler's bench and locate it in the west room
Near the metal shop tools would be ideal
Tiffany said she would email the Board with plans/notes
8:25 - BretD is looking for an etching press
Pete and others said we might have one already, will look after the meeting
Update: Brent took it home when his membership lapsed
8:27 - Events:
Hardware Hackathon
RyanK would like to host some of it at MMS
Looking for MMS liaison to work with RyanK
It was noted that unless a member steps up to volunteer, we can't really be involved
Brant will post to the public mailing list for volunteers
Television show filming (Pete)
Email has been posted to the member's list
8:30 - Any topics from members who are present
8:32 - BillW mentioned he would like a shop vac dedicated to the current sandblasting cabinet
8:32 - KarenP asked about getting power for a ceramics kiln she'd like to bring in
Tom referred her to DeboraLynn to coordinate efforts
There are already plans to have power installed for a kiln
8:34 - KarenP requested a light be added to the north door (door 1)
Safety concerns
Stairs are dangerous in the dark
The bushes block light from street
Tom and others noted there may be a street light out on that side of the building
Brant said he would check into it and maybe call WE Energies
Board Meeting Agenda for March 27, 2014 (Rescheduled from the 20th)
Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox
5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
Review Treasurer's Report for February 2014
Policies and Procedures:
Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
Forging/Casting/Hack Rack reorg in West Room (Dan)
Gas line for Forge
Pipe has arrived?
Wired Network Upgrades
Additional phone locations
Check on progress of Member Projects:
Powder Coating Unit (Bowman)
CNC Router (Hagopian,Pilon)
CNC Plasma Cutter (JRod)
To be completed April 30th, 2014 - Tentative
KevinC's Sandblasting Cabinet?
New equipment/donations:
Stake Anvil stand in forging area (Dan)
Hardware Hackathon
RyanK would like to host some/all of it at MMS
Looking for MMS liaison to work with RyanK
Television show filming (Pete)
Any topics from members who are present
boardmeetingagenda/2014-03-20.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/02 21:04 by branth