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Instructables Build Night - June 2014

littleBits + Arduino at Heart

We've been selected to receive (4) littleBits Deluxe Kits and (7) Arduino at Heart modules. We'll need to publish at least three Instructables. (Since we have seven people interested, this should be no problem.)

Our Build Nights will most likely be every open night in June, so that means Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm to whenever. We'll also have most of the kits available at the space during June so you can experiment at other times and build something cool.

Remember, we need to publish step-by-step Instructables. Once you publish one, please let Pete know so we can compile a list to submit. Publishing an Instructable is fairly easy, but if you need help, ask Shane or Pete. It's good to have at least one (if not more) photos for each step. They don't have to be amazing photos, but should show enough to explain the step.

Interested Members:

  • Pete (Instructables posted!)
  • Eric B. (Instructable posted!)
  • Kevin C.
  • Jerry [HM]
  • Patrick L.
  • Audrey

Here's what we did:

Blog Post:

We'll be doing more of these in the future if people are interested in them.

miscellaneous/instructablesbuildnights/2014-06.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/10 13:22 by raster