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LAYZOR!!! is a laser light show projector made with scrounged parts and designs and software from the Web.

LAYZOR!!! Overview


This project started when Tom Gralewicz showed me a pair of X-Y galvanometers in his junk box. I decided I could make a laser light show projector with them, so I browsed around on the web and came across several designs based on hooking a USB sound card to a computer to generate the signals. Thus was LAYZOR!!! born.


LAYZOR!!! uses a USB 5.1-channel sound card as a DAC to generate signals to a set of galvanometers, which deflect the beam from a green laser pointer in X & Y to draw animations on a screen. The sound card generates a 2.4±1.2v signal, whereas the galvanometers expect a -10-10v input, so the signal has to be routed through a correction amp to offset it by -2.4v and amplify it by about 8x. The correction amp boards are based on this schematic, modified slightly to use the components we had on hand at MMS.


The software I'm using is called OpenLase, by Héctor Martín Cantero (a/k/a marcan). He describes it on his blog.

members/dennisdraheim/projects/layzor.1371681018.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 22:30 by dennisd