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LAYZOR!!! is a laser light show projector made with scrounged parts and designs and software from the Web.

LAYZOR!!! Overview


This project started when Tom Gralewicz showed me a pair of X-Y galvanometers in his junk box. I decided I could make a laser light show projector with them, so I browsed around on the web and came across several designs based on hooking a USB sound card to a computer to generate the signals. Thus was LAYZOR!!! born.


LAYZOR!!! uses a USB 5.1-channel sound card as a DAC to generate signals to a set of galvanometers, which deflect the beam from a green laser pointer in X & Y to draw animations on a screen. The sound card generates a 2.4±1.2v signal.


The software I'm using is called OpenLase, by Héctor Martín Cantero (a/k/a marcan). He describes it on his blog.

members/dennisdraheim/projects/layzor.1371680763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 22:26 by dennisd