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Central Air Compressor


  • Compressor Motor: Baldor M7170T, 10 HP, 208/3/60, max 125 PSIG
  • Dryer/Filter: Ingersoll-Rand TS-100, 125 CFM, 115v/1/60 Hz, 10 amp, air-cooled R-407C, max 25 HP, max 175 PSIG
  • Tank: Energair One, 100-gallon

Current Status

  • Back on-line
  • Small oil leak into air lines

If an air line springs a leak:

  1)  Fix the leak
  2)  If you can't fix the leak, turn off any valves that will isolate the leak.
  3)  If  you can't find a valve that will stop the leak turn the compressor off
  Post to the members list that there is a problem that needs fixing.

If the air compressor trips its breaker, overheats the room, or just hums and doesn't turn:

 Push the RED ESTOP button on the box on the wall next to the compressor
 Post to the members list that there is a problem

Procedure to turn on the backup compressor:

  1)  Push the red stop button the wall box.
  2)  Unplug the fat cord from the outlet to the left of the wall box
  3)  Plug the backup compressor in
  4)  Twist the red stop button to reset the system

Make sure the backup compressor starts and nothing is rattling around on it (bottles, tools, etc.) Check back to make sure the backup compressor turns off when the system is pressurized, if it never turns off shut down the whole system. Always post to the message board when you do this.

To reconnect the main compressor, just do the above steps swapping “main” and “Backup”


Tom's control box and e-stop
100-gallon tank with automatic drain valve, motor on tank is not operational
Refrigerated air dryer
10 HP compressor and motor


Currently: Lenox, Vault 14
Previously: Chase building, in Loft

On lend from


12/01/10 - Arrived at Makerspace
10/10/11 - Motor needs repair, Rich Neubauer replaced the belt and fittings
12/31/12 - Moved to Lenox building
08/01/17 - Dryer offline for service
08/15/17 - Dryer back on-line, overheated and safety tripped off
08/15/17 - Transfer fan installed above door for ventilation
08/20/17 - 4030.5 hour meter read
08/22/17 - 4042.1 read, avg. 5.8 hrs/day
08/23/17 - 4048.6 read, avg. 6.5 hrs/day
09/02/17 - 4133.5 read, avg. 8.5/day
09/04/17 - 4150.4 read, avg. 8.45/day
09/09/17 - 4171.7 read, avg. 4.26/day
09/12/17 - 4183.9 read, avg. 4.06/day
09/17/17 - 4206.5 read, avg. 4.52/day
10/04/17 - 4278.9 read, avg. 4.26/day
10/08/17 - 4298.1 read, avg. 2.30/day
10/10/17 - 4307.0 read, avg. 4.55/day
10/15/17 - 4323.3 read, avg. 3.26/day
10/16/17 - 4328.2 read, avg. 4.90/day
10/18/17 - 4335.8 read, avg. 3.80/day
10/22/17 - 4351.7 read, avg. 3.98/day
10/31/17 - 4394.8 read, avg. 4.78/day
11/07/17 - 4430.6 read, avg. 5.11/day
11/11/17 - 4445.9 read, avg. 3.83/day
11/15/17 - 4460.0 read, avg. 3.53/day
11/18/17 - 4471.5 read, avg. 3.83/day
11/25/17 - 4504.0 read, avg. 4.64/day
12/10/17 - 4565.5 read, avg. 4.10/day
12/11/17 - 4570.0 read, avg. 4.50/day
01/01/18 - 4671.1 read, avg. 4.81/day
01/06/18 - 4686.1 read, avg. 3.00/day
01/13/18 - 4706.2 read, avg. 2.51/day
01/21/18 - 4727.0 read, avg. 2.97/day
01/24/18 - 4739.2 read, avg. 4.06/day
02/04/18 - 4771.1 read, avg. 2.90/day
02/16/18 - 4803.3 read, avg. 2.68/day
03/18/18 - 4870.5 read, avg. 2.92/day
03/26/18 - 4888.2 read, avg. 2.53/day
04/09/18 - 4945.8 read, avg. 2.74/day
04/18/18 - 4965.8 read, avg. 2.00/day
04/22/18 - 4976.7 read, avg. 2.72/day
05/12/18 - 5024.5 read, avg. 2.39/day
06/02/18 - 5065.9 read, avg. 1.97/day, sandblaster down
06/24/18 - 5102.9 read, avg. 1.68/day, sandblaster repaired this week
07/15/18 - 5140.4 read, avg. 1.79/day
07/25/18 - 5155.5 read, avg. 1.51/day
08/11/18 - 5191.5 read, avg. 2.12/day
08/25/18 - 5213.4 read, avg. 1.56/day
10/05/18 - 5286.9 read, avg. 1.79/day
10/28/18 - 5323.9 read, avg. 1.61/day
11/14/18 - 5347.6 read, avg. 1.39/day
12/29/18 - 5427.9 read, avg. 1.78/day
01/12/19 - 5449.7 read, avg. 1.56/day
02/08/19 - 5490.2 read, avg. 1.50/day
03/22/19 - 5571.5 read, avg. 1.94/day
04/07/19 - 5604.0 read, avg. 2.03/day
07/11/19 - 5840.7 read, avg. 2.49/day
07/28/19 - 5880.3 read, avg. 2.33/day
10/27/19 - 6093.1 read, avg. 2.33/day
11/03/19 - 6107.8 read, avg. 2.10/day


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equipment/aircompressor.1574046513.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/18 03:08 by branth