Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - 6 p.m. Sept. 21, 2023
Tim calls this meeting to order at 6:04 pm
Callie by video conference, Tim, Jon, Hapto, Geoff, Anna, Hanna.
Tony W.,; Preston;
Review and approval of Previous Minutes
Jon and Hannah abstain, everyone else approves. Minutes approved.
Current Financial Projections
Geoff: Looking good. See financial report. Dan: membership flatlining, Fewer new people but retention is improved, some of the best ever.
Agenda items
Disciplining AC for laser lab abuse. Tim: Facts outlined per video tape, personal accounts. Anna: There was damage to machine. Member lied about what happened. Tim moves: 30 day suspension. Geoff seconds. (Tim sidebar, permanent ban by area champions requires board approval.) Hapto notes this is effectively a one-year suspension, member would have to re-apply. Motion carries 7-0. Tim will take communication with AC. Member will be allowed to recover personal property.
Anna: Moves for permanent ban of AC from, Geoff seconds. Geoff friendly amendment: No one can use laser on AC's behalf. Motion fails, Hapto votes no, others vote yes.
Anna, moves for permanent ban of AC from laser lab, Jon seconds. Unanimously approved.
Updating the sleeping at space rules for specificity. New rule: “No member may ever sleep here. Board can give permission if contacted prior to sleeping here in the case of an emergency , e.g., a massive snowstorm. Otherwise you will be suspended for one week if you sleep here.” Tim moves, Jon seconds. Unanimously passses.
Callie: Propose Ad Hoc Committee through Jan. 2024, seven members, chaired by Gary Hollander, Callie would be liaison. Tim appoints committee chaired by Gary Hollander, as named position. Purpose: Find policy for procedural approach to address complaints. Goal: Assess situations and make recommendation to Board for defined process. Group's meetings to be announced and open. Jon Seconds, unanimous approved.
All Rules and Regs - send out an update and bring to a vote. Tim will codify and roll out ratification piece by piece. New rules needs one week heads up to membership. Tim will manage
Tim moves to cut holes through walls in Lenox and Norwich. Jon Seconds. Increase lease $40 a month. Approved unanimous.
General discussion
Pay-back contributions for commercial users of Makerspace. Geoff, pay-back is a suggestion. No one does it. Geoff, proposes 10 percent mandatory. Change culture, area champs shouldn't be unpaid employees. Tim: Looks hard on average member vs. fixing a few problem people. Dan j.: unenforceable. Subjective by board. Rick M., We are feeling like unpaid labor. We suggest and they don't give. If rule says “you must” it helps. Tony: Should have teeth, but not be punative; Gaylen: 10% is too high. Jeff M.: Cost is eye of beholder. Should be based on wear and tear on equipment. Tim: Should be codified to empower area champ. Many members offered perspective and suggestions. Tim: Is culture issue and is abuse prevention issue. May be issue for Gary's committee. Discussion to be continued.
How are Tuesday Public Meetings going? General consensus is they're more engaging. Thanks to Maya for proposing and spearheading. Add space improvement day requirement to join? Hapto: New member handout in progress.
Future items: Expansion of casting area.
Meeting adjourds 7:57