Items held over from Aug. 20 meeting
Everybody was there.
Guests: Tony W.; Bill W.; Dan L.; Matthew J.; Steve P.; Adrian V.; Maya L.; Tom G.
Tim calls meeting to order at 6:10
Approval of minutes to be done in aggregate with regular meeting minutes.
Geoff: Lawyering up: Did Marquette Law school zoom free legal service. Sleep apnea not covered by ADA per federal case law, and we do not have to make exceptions to our general rules. But be consistent.
Tom G.: Mike and code enforcement bureau says unless you have residency permit, you can't “live at” space. They will enforce.
Motion by Jon: Sleeping on MS property will result in an automatic one-week suspension. Made my Jon, seconded by Geoff. All ayes except Tim Abstains. Must be communicated to membership.
Tim: we shall end floor space rental at Lenox. we Will remove current renters with reasonable notice. Tool boxes no larger than a half pallet are not considered floor space. Vaults are not considered floor space. Seconded by Geoff. Passed unanimously. Geoff will communicate to affected parties.
Vote to codify designated trash receptacles as the place to dump things. Passed online unannimuosly. July 13.
Revisit “Who to call page” for updating. Dan will put on Board drive. Should remove Marcus. Put Dan J. ahead of Tom G. Remove Tim. Hapto will do. Add email “facilites@”
General Funds for Large format printer (either the printheads on the new donation or the part that the old working one needs). Motion Jon, spend up to $300 from general funds to repair Tim's large format printer. Hapto will connect with Dave Arnold and/or Anderson and/or others to execute.Geoff seconds. Six ayes and Tim abstains.
Leaky Roof Follow up? Hapto will text Brandt. Tom G. says we can cut holes in downspouts to fix quick and dirty. Tom G. will call Integrated roofing. and ask him to check. Tom will report at next meeting.
Thoughts on the “Be Awesome” closet - make it functional? Hapto: No longer issue.
Codify a request/guideline to “seek out one area training at a time.” Talking point for tours (Jon) and put it on a sign (Hapto).
Regular To-Do items communication - Dan Luglio: Dan put together task taskforce. No Board action required per Dan L.
Area Champion Punchlist
Tormach /CNC Champions (codified?): All good. Joe Rodriguez is trainer. Hapto will document.
Hackrack (Maybe Juliet?): Need space. Is part MS ethos. Juliet may help run. Will re-assemble area south of 3D printing area. Geoff will spearhead. No board action required.
Areas that may need help to get or keep going:
1. Screenprinting, Green Light: Mariah R. will lead. Chris K. may help. Maya willing to help.
2. Bill2/Metalshop. Got two people to help, Eric and Jordan.
Co champ for any other areas that can use backup? Hackrack: Juliet may be point person, Dan L. volunteers to help. (Is not official area.) Geoff will spearhead tool rack (next meeting). Will announce proposed spend $1,000 of annually for tools, proposed create area with champion.
Next board meeting: Re-evaluate format of public meetings to address new member intake process.
Hapto: Document that warning deliver and suspension served to K.P.
Jon: Move to adjurn. Tim seconded. Unanimously passes.