Milwaukee Makerspace Board of Directors Meeting - January 17th, 2019
Held at the Milwaukee Makerspace Craft Lab
Markus S
Dan J
Kathy H
Tom G
Steve P
Review and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of Boards and Standing Committees
Treasurers Report
Find the current treasurer report
Dan has called and Faxed the IRS and we have been granted a 60 day extension which should be approved with no late penalty fine.
We may want to discuss the wisdom of paying a CPA to file on our behalf. We did this several years ago and it cost us $300 per year.
If we do not, we should make a greater effort to review our filing with multiple people before sending to avoid a recurrence.
Building Maintenance/Issues
Power reel yet to be installed in craft lab
Focus on Energy Credit for LED bulbs has been re submitted, has been approved and waiting for check
Parking lot needs to be repaved but will also be discussed with work towards making a more wheelchair accessible door/ramp.
Reports of Special (Select) Committees
Unfinished Business
Membership Engagement
Previous Status
Empowering members. Gift cards or other recognition for going above and beyond.
Another newsletter will be sent
Abuse in the Metal shop is still occurring see Lost and Found Box notes
MATC Program
Membership Self Sign-up
Last Status
Markus will try self sign-ups at the next public weekly meeting
Markus will get a laptop/computer to use at signups
Potentially get a PayPal or Square chip reader for credit card transactions
Clarification of Policy on teaching classes to non members
Last Status
Propose to clarify language on wiki, vote if this is acceptable - Dan
Members can teach a class to nonmembers, but must get BOD sign-off first.
We need to be sure that safety protocols are in place that will not risk a claim against our liability insurance.
All guests MUST sign the liability waiver before class.
Make it clear that if a member accepts payment for the class, they are no longer covered by the space's liability insurance and should buy their own.
Does not apply to guests working on personal projects
New Business
New Topic #4
There are going to be a couple of bins put in the metal shop where metal pieces and parts are going to be placed when their use is questionable. Rather than throw away a crucial machine part because someone doesn't know what it's for and is too lazy to ask the area champions about it the piece gets placed in the “In” box. The area champions will go through the items in the bin when they are able and put the pieces that are really trash into the “Out” box. From there they can go to Metal Recycling next to the 3D area which is being maintained by Michael Petrowiak, aka Recycle Michael.
There had been tools that were slated to be refurbished and someone tossed them. There was also a part that had come loose from one of the big machines and someone threw it away as well even though it was sitting on the machine it belonged to and was painted the same color. These parts and tools cost money and it's a shame that member dues need to be used to replace them.
Nothing but actual dirt should be thrown out unless there is approval from the area champion where an item is found.
New Topic #6
Redo Flooring in Cafe Area recommended by Kyle White
Still getting quotes from Billy
Member notify to vote on funding
New Topic #8
Exterior Building lighting - Tom G
Lighting the side of building attempt to reduce graffiti also talk to neighborhood
Board approved research to better lighting
boardmeetingagenda/2019-01-17.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/23 01:55 by raster