April 16, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Time: 6:30pm
Location: Lenox, Meeting Room
Meeting Started
Treasurer's Report
Previous Action Item: Joe and Dan to review Paypal, Square, etc accounts and what fees we can use now that we're a non profit
No further action was made
Previous Action Item: Joe to signup a new PayPal account for the space as a commercial entity, so that we can used PayPal for physical card processing.
Joe will take care of it this week
Previous Action Item: Wild Apricot testing
DL was able to do some testing
Felisha mentioned that she was surprised to hear about the amount of people who didn't pay by the 7th - 30+ late members
DL mentioned that an Alpha test may be needed for Wild Apricot
Dan and Vishal will continue to work on Wild Apricot
Currently DL is currently paying $50/month
Felisha asked how many members can we have at the $50/month subscription rate
Vishal said 500 members
Tom mentioned we need a wiki page for Wild Apricot transition
Lance asked how do we transition the members who have paid for 6 months
Dan said we can do that manually
DL said she details of current member storage
Joe said we need to can use the partially completed inventory as a starting point.
We'll do an Wild Apricot alpha test with 10-15 members
Vishal mentioned that we need to come up with a transition communication plan
Action Item: DL will up update Wild Apricot splash page with wiki page,etc.
Action Item: DL is going to create do transition instructions
Action Item: Dan will work on setting up Wild Apricot under “members.milwaukeemakerspace.org”
Action Item: Dan will update wild apricot site branding (
CSS, etc.) to match milwaukeemakerspace.org
Building ownership/purchasing shares report progress
Previous Action Item: Tom to present a building purchase options report
Tom wants to get a quickbooks data entered before we go forward with a proposal
Several board members said we would like to see preliminary numbers
Tom will talk to city about tax exemptions
Tom will talk to bank about interest rates
Action Item: Tom will present preliminary numbers at the next board meeting.
Should be provide stores with an active member list for discounts?
Vishal brought up a a privacy concern
Dan said we could use member badges
Joe said our volume isn't high enough for stores to need such a list
Vishal suggested an opt-in list
Joe said we could use invoice
Others agreed that presenting that Invoice is a good approach. We might want to consider sending a sample invoice to interested stores.
Proposed rules to encourage on time dues payment:
Pay your dues late 3 times you loose your storage space.
Pay your dues after the 7th, your membership is still active but your keyfob won't work until next month.
Charge a late fee each time you pay after the 7th.
Dan thinks these won't reduce delinquents
Joe suggested a fee
DL says people lapse and get a month of free storage
Joe says he's been doing that for storage larger than shelves
DL mentioned that Wild Apricot will help with this issue too
Felisha said there is quite a waiting list for Vaults
Joe said if there is a waiting list for something and membership lapses, they have been
DL said this is why we have a mess in the Impound Lot now. People simply let there stuff stay.
Joe asked if this is a reasonable approach - only charging wait listed space
Vishal and Lance agreed that it is.
Felisha asked that if we need to implement any of the above 3 rules
The consensus was that we should wait
DL said Apricot does have the ability to set a different invoice dates.
Dan thinks the root is procrastination not the date
Felisha inquired about current storage lapse policy
Lance explained the flowchart
DL said we need to have a clause reminding about state storage policies - throwing stuff away or whatnot
we can put it on new member form and invoice
DL mentioned wiki has a raffle
Anything that comes out of Impound lot is not eligible for parking ticket
We had (3) people with vaults who lapsed. (2) people have been processed. One person is still lapsed
Joe will continue to provide a list of expired members
DL will cross compare it to vault and large space renters
Lance is next up on rental list and will recuse himself on any relevant votes
Building Topics
Suggestion from Shane to place deactivated Cell Phones around building for 911 use.
Next to “Who to Call” sheets maybe?
Shane: I'm thinking near fire extinguishers since, by nature, those are supposed to be easy to see. (Shane T.)
Dan said in the US even deactivated cell phones are required
Tom mentioned magic jack may work for calling
Dan said he has (2) phones
Vishal said he has (1) phone
All (7) board members approve that deactivated phones should be placed around the building for emergency use
Building keys: We have not gotten Tiffany's key back, do we re-key the building and get new keys? Matt can re-key the locks, but key blanks are going to cost $7 to $10 each.
Tiffany lost her key
Should we re-key all external doors?
Tom asked if we should hire external help
Dan doesn't think $100 is worth it
The board trusts Matt
Joe is of the opinion that we don't need to do it
Adrian asked if the building key is same as server closet
Vote - Should the building locks be re-keyed?
Yes - Felisha (Good periodic practice), Lance (need to have accountability), DL
No - Joe, Tom, Dan, Vishal
Adrian mentioned that then why doesn't everyone have a key
Many mentioned that physical key is supposed to be used for when electronic locks are down
Tom will talk to Matt to get Felisha a key
New member orientation needs to be updated as well.
Dan said that membership graph need to be updated
Action Item: Vishal will update the New Member Orientation powerpoint
Felisha mentioned that many woodworking machines are down - bandsaw, planer, jointer,
Felisha asked what to do if an area if not receiving enough funds
Lance mentioned that in the past board has discouraged from
Felisha asked about a budget
Tom mentioned this payment system again (% of members fees go to a vote controlled distributive fund)
DL will look further into wild apricot's ability to do this
Tom knows quickbooks can do this.
Metal shop has been really good
More of the woodshop users are amateurs versus metal shop
Lance mentioned that woodshop equipment is on the non-contractor side. Hence easier to break
Felisha mentioned woodshop is small
Tom mentioned that is a zoning issue - we can't get larger room. We can get more woodshops though of same size or smaller.
DL said that east room cleaning will help with floor space
Vishal mentioned cabinet grade stuff can't be built here
Tom mentioned we'll have more space when CNC room is built
Tom said we need to get better equipment
Tom mentioned that Area Champions should get together and propose something
Joe and Tom are interested in larger tools
Lance and Joe mentioned that the space should buy safety equipment.
Dan said we need auto dark welding helmets
Tom mentioned that woodshop is used by a lot of users but not any power users so board needs to support it.
Action Item Lance will put together a new questionnaire
DL said good idea with new board
Vishal said that with new non profit status this is a good idea anyway
Member/Space Projects Update
Large format plotters
Steve will put that on craigslist
There was talk of removing the whole area
Steve said we can compress the space usage
Action Item: Steve will publicize the availability
Action Item: - Felisha - Add it to the list of underused items.
New Green Vaccuum Former'
No one has touched it for a while
Action Item: - Felisha - Add it to the list of underused items.
Vaccuum Former being built by Mykal
Previous Action Item: DL is going to follow up with Mykal
Action Item: - Felisha - Add it to the list of underused items.
New equipment/donations
Sunday, the 26th is the space improvement day
Joe will bring pallet racking
Action Item: Felisha - Annouce that we'll have food
Makerspace will continute to sponsor $5/head up to a $100.
Action Item: Lance will build large storage.
Any topics from members who are present
non-profit oppurtunities
Dan mentioned that there are plenty of good opportunities for Grants as a STEM organization.
Board agree that members should check with board before a grant is submitted
Dan mentioned that we could get Windows licenses, CAD software, other good deals
Tom said we need a wiki page describing the process
Board will have to be the grant submitter
Tax Deduction
Joe thinks all members dues are tax deductible
Tom thinks they are not since it's not a donation so not deductible
This topic will be discussed with CPAs