Tiffany reminded the group that she needed to leave at 08:30
Brant asked if we are planning to enlarge the Jewelry Area?
Tiffany said she would like to see the Jewelry Area moved closer to the Forge Area as they both share tools and the anvil
Tiffany also said they use the forge to anneal things
Adrian asked if the majority of the Casting Area is storage and not workspace
Tom said he was concerned about casting sand getting on the East Room floor
Tiffany said the sand bucket is on wheels
Bret indicated the Casting Area needs space for the sand muller
Bret said he had no preference which room the Casting Area was located in, but that the West Room would be ideal since it is dirty
Tom indicated that if sand is stored in the East Room, someone will eventually pack molds in the East Room
Tiffany said that the East Room is already dirty
Lance asked Joe if the Plasma Cutter could be relocated and the Casting Area put in its place
Joe said the Plasma Cutter is already in a good place as it needs access to water, a compressed air line, and the power outlets at the welders
Joe noted the Plasma Cutter could be running this or next month and he’s worked on the drive pods and electronics last week
Tiffany suggested merging the Jewelry, Casting, and Forge Areas
Bret said he had no preference if the areas were merged or not
Bret, Tiffany, and Tom discussed rearranging the black wire shelving into an L-shape
Tiffany noted that ferrous and non-ferrous tools could be labeled to keep them separate
07:35 - Lance and Tom asked when the watch supplies would be moved into the Jewelry Area
Charles indicated that the BOD should consult Matt J, but they would likely be moved by Jan 7, 2015
Tiffany indicated that the Jewelry Area was only planning on dedicating one bench to the watch parts
Charles rolled a furniture dolly with four brown cabinets, approximately three foot square and five feet high, into the room and indicated this was equivalent to the amount of space the watch parts would occupy
Tom asked Charles to offer up the empty cabinets and drawers as they become available
Charles suggested that a lottery process be used to keep things fair; interested parties would place their names in a hat for each cabinet unit and each cabinet unit would have a separate drawing
Tom asked if Charles would conduct the lottery and take responsibility for getting rid of the cabinets
Charles agreed he would
Tiffany asked if the Kuka computer could be moved into the Kuka Enclosure
Tom replied that the Kuka computer has been located outside of the Enclosure to minimize its exposure to dust
Tiffany said Matt J is now a 3-D Printer Area Champion and is also helping Steve P with the 4×8 CNC Router
07:43 - Joe said he knew of at least two people who don’t want to use the Jewelry Area because of noise and dirt from adjacent areas
Tiffany indicated that the Jewelry Area is not set up for doing beading work and suggested that we be sure to distinguish between fine metal work and beading
Tiffany said that beading is already done by people in the Craft Lab
Tom agreed with Tiffany and said that we don’t to find an additional area for bead work
Steve P mentioned that some people may prefer to use the Meeting Room or Craft Lab because it’s warmer in winter
07:46 - Tom suggested that since the Cold Saw uses coolant and produces metal shavings, it should be located in the Metal Shop and by that logic the Metal Brake and Hydraulic Press should go in the East Room because they do not
Lance observed that once the 4×8 CNC Router is finished and moves into the Wood Shop, it will free up a lot of space in the Metal Shop Area
Vishal said he would like to see more workspace in the island area
Tiffany noted that there already is plenty of space but it is often cluttered and not cleaned up
Lance asked if we were ready to vote on these area changes
Tom indicated he didn’t think the L-shaped wire rack shelving layout would work due to other items that need to be accounted for including the Kuka computer
Tom asked if the Kuka should be removed from the building
Lance said he felt the Kuka was useful still and could do more than we’ve seen so far
Joe believed the Kuka has the articulation to mill 3-D objects, but lacked the brains to do all the movement needed; it can only do one 2-D plane operation at a time as he understood it
Matt N joined the discussion and said the machine works, adding it is the only CNC project out in the West Room that works currently
Lance said he didn’t think it had an end affector currently, no spindle
Matt said he can mill stuff currently
Lance and Matt agreed to meet on Dec 22 or 23, 2014 to mill parts and demonstrate the Kuka’s capabilities, specifically a sphere on a stick
Tiffany asked if the Kuka can be used for non-CNC stuff
Matt N indicated that the repetition or cycles were not the issue, it’s any impact or jerking
Adam C said he would like to use the Kuka for Magnetag testing
Tiffany asked if there is a way for people who want to use the Kuka, how to approach doing so
Lance noted that the expectations what a completed project is have not changed; two trainers able to train others and wiki documentation
Lance said that we should only consider the Kuka’s usefulness after it has been completed
07:54 - Bret asked what sorts of things the Kuka can mill
Tom said the Kuka cannot mill metal, but it can do foam
Tom said milling a sphere will indicate that it can do things other machines cannot
Bret said the barrier to make something on the Kuka seems larger than other tools
Bret asked if the Kuka break down who would pay for parts
Lance said he doesn’t want to discuss getting rid of the Kuka without seeing it work first
07:57 - Tom asked who could champion merging the Jewelry and Casting Areas
Tiffany asked how quickly this needed to occur
Adrian offered to champion this rearranging
Tiffany said she would send an email out tonight on the matter
Tom noted that the Kuka computer is actually on loan to us so we should try to protect it from unusual wear
VOTE: Merging the Jewelry and Casting Areas was unanimously approved by the BOD
ACTION ITEM FOR ADRIAN: Work on merging Casting and Jewelry Areas
ACTION ITEM FOR TIFFANY: Send out email regarding the merger
ACTION ITEM FOR CHARLES: Determine how to give empty watch part cabinets away to those who are interested by Jan 7, 2015
Tom asked if we should move the metal brake and arbor press into the East Room
Lance clarified and said this would effectively expand the Metal Shop into the East Room
Tom offered to take the 20-ton hydraulic press home if it would help, he noted it leaks and needs repairs
Tiffany asked if the 4×8 CNC Router should be moved into the East Room
Joe replied that it’s too wide, won’t fit through the doors
Tiffany indicated she’d like to give the Metal Shop more room, maybe move an existing table out of the fire aisle
Tom noted the Red Dragon should be pulled out away from the wall to allow access to the power tool shelving
Tiffany suggested moving the power tools into the East Room, possibly into Matt’s old area
Tom suggested moving the power tools into the Metal Shop Area of the West Room, around the column near the metal scrap rack
Tom noted there are two 20-amp circuits on that column
Tiffany asked if this should be done during the next Space Improvement Day and the group seemed to agree
Tom estimated the power tools would take about an hour to move
Bret asked that the Jewelry and Casting Areas be merged during that time as well
Tiffany noted that we still need a metal scrap rack solution
Tom replied that anyone could come up with a solution, but since no one has to date that it likely won’t happen
Lance suggested we back the power tool shelving up to the metal scrap rack and Tom agreed
Tiffany said there are a lot of overlap in tools that are used by various areas, but that some tools in the Jewelry Area should be kept separate
Tiffany noted the fine metal pliers should not be used on hard steel and that marking the tools was necessary
Tom asked who has the keys to the cabinets in the Jewelry Area and Tiffany said she was working with Matt J to maybe rekey or get a combination lock for them
VOTE: Moving the power tools to the column in the Metal Shop was unanimously approved by the BOD
ACTION ITEM: Move power tools shelving to column in Metal Shop