Board Meeting Agenda for September 18th, 2014
Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox
5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
Treasurer's Report (JoeR)
Sponsor Maker Faire (contingent on member feedback from survey results)
Policies and Procedures:
Mission Statement (all)
How close are we to being done?
If ready, vote to approve?
By-Laws Revisions (Dan,Brant)
Done, we have a secretary now.
Does anybody want to volunteer for a second round of revisions?
Member Survey
Results are in
Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
Storage policy revisions
Vault Hallway is clean
How are we doing on moving people out of east room, implementing rate increases?
Check on progress of Member Projects:
4×8 CNC Plasma Cutter (JoeR)
4×8 CNC Router (SteveP)
Jeweler's Table (JonH)
Metal Finishing Area (BillW)
Cube 3D Printer?
New equipment/donations:
New wood lathe in woodshop.
A lathe that is not broken for a change.
Doors Open (Brant)
Maker Faire
Any topics from members who are present
RAPreston contacted the Board with regards to posting space rules/guidelines in Entryway
RAPreston contacted the Board with regards to using Google Calendars to manage timeslot reservation on heavily used equipment (eg laser cutters).
boardmeetingagenda/2014-09-18.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/24 14:41 by chrish