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Board Meeting Agenda for January 16, 2014

Meeting Time: 7pm
Location: Lenox

  • 5 minute time limit per highest-level bullet point.
  • All members are welcome to attend, and non-board members can join the conversation when invited.
  1. Legal/Financial:
    1. New Treasurer Roundtable Discussion
    2. Membership Management Software Discussion
      1. Should we set a due date?
    3. Any insurance topics to discuss?
      1. Insurance for the Board of Directors
    4. Considering hiring a cleaning service? (Ron,DL)
  2. Policies and Procedures:
    1. New Member Orientation Classes
      1. Should we set a due date?
    2. Discuss the need for a Safety Officer Coordinator (added by Brant)
    3. Inventory supplies regularly? Is this part of the facilities/operations role? (Ron,DL,Brant)
    4. Goals for 2014 (added by Pete)
      1. For the Group
      2. For the Board
      3. For the Building
    5. Review (outdate!) Member Agreements online (added by Pete)
      1. (Note I am not sure why the wiki links to the second one, a Google Doc, instead of the PDF on the site.)
    6. Questions about security system (added by Chris)
  3. Check on progress of Building Topics/Projects:
  4. Check on progress of Member Projects:

A member's proposal to incentivize completion of “Space Projects”

  1. Proposed process:
    1. Member proposes 'space project to the board. The proposal includes a rough estimate of the total time needed to complete the project (in months).
    2. Board discusses project (quickly) and proposed time frame
    3. Assuming the project/time frame are accepted:
    4. Member(s) work on project. The member(s) working on the project pay for the storage space as if it were “normal” storage space.
    5. Upon completion of the project (This means documented and available for other members of the space to use after training), the storage fees for the space are refunded to the members working on the project. A maximum of the proposed time frame worth of months will be refunded.
  2. Suggested approach:
    1. Board votes on a written version as a proposed rule
    2. If passed, it gets posted to the members only list for 1 week for comments.
    3. If no major objections, the board can vote it in as a new rule.
    4. If there are major objections but the board still thinks it should be a policy, we put it to a vote of the membership.
    5. This would not be a part of the By-Laws, but a policy.
  3. New equipment/donations:
  4. Events:
  5. Any topics from members who are present
boardmeetingagenda/2014-01-16.1389540267.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/12 15:24 by branth