This is a very overly-generalized summary of how to edit the wiki and create new pages. Useful if you want to create a member profile!
In order to edit the wiki, you must be logged in. There's two visible options: log in with a username and password (which doesn't work so don't create an account), or log in with Wild Apricot. Click on Wild Apricot and then use the email and password you use to pay your dues.
For those that are unaware, Wild Apricot is the company we use to run our membership dues/billing system.
Whatever you do, please don't immediately start editing whatever page you happen to be on. While old revisions can be restored if you mess something up, it's easier for everyone if you set up your own page to practice editing on. While there's a couple ways to skin this particular cat, I will walk you through the method I've found to be the most successful.
Once you're on the page, click the “edit page” button on the right hand side of the screen.