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Condition of the 60-watt laser lens

Date Photo Notes Logged By
5/18/15 0518151804.jpg Brant
5/18/15 0518151807.jpg Brant
5/21/15 0521151242a.jpg Topside of lens Brant
5/21/15 0521151242j.jpg Brant
5/26/15 0526151935a.jpg Brant
6/7/15 0606151116a.jpg Brant
6/26/15 0626151638e.jpg Brant
10/03/15 1003151313.jpg Brant
11/24/15 No image Shane reported as cloudly Brant

-Tony W | Brant |

12/12/15 Center of the two mirrors before they were cleaned. The white residue is from something creating smoke that is accumulating inside the cutter. This most likely happened when someone forgot to turn on the exhaust. Smoke should never reach the first mirror when the exhaust is turned on. The gantry mirror might accumulate soot when cutting materials like white-dyed plastic that give off a lot of particulate when cut. Please check after cutting if your material seems like it is giving off more smoke than usual. -Tony W Brant
12/12/15 See above. Brant
spacedocumentation/60wattlaserlens.1449937351.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/12 16:22 by branth