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Studio Lights

Summary Status

Prelimary Phase - Still getting all of the materials and trying to find folks with expertise for unknowns.


The goal of this project is two fold; to provide studio lights for the makerspace and to learn additional skills (electronics, CNC, etc). The studio lights are supposedly suitable for both photography and video (just not slow motion video).

I've watched the video (in the External Links) and while I have the .svg & wiring plans, there are still some unanswered questions that I have from the video.

Project Tasks

Task Status
Procure clear sheet, diluted sheet, power plugs not started
Get trained in CNC not started
Find electronics lab person to help with unclear spots in video not started
Start construction not started
CNC pieces not started

Progress Log

  • Started wiki page
  • I've procured the LEDs, dimmers & power brick
  • Procured aluminum
  • Procured PVC board

Makerspace Members

projects/studiolights.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/29 12:36 by wildapricot-steffel_mark