Equipment Offered
This is a list of things that individual members of Milwaukee Makerspace own, and would be willing to bring to the space to let others use, or loan out to other members for specific projects.
Feel free to add your name and the things you have.
Pete Prodoehl
Larry Andersen
Brant H
FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera (contact for use on a case-by-case basis, no loans)
Extech RH101 Temp/Humidity Meter with IR thermometer
Jerry Dugan
* Tooling/Equipment:
LED DISPLAY (retail) 5 x ??? (I can get pics..would be a nice little scrolling led display for events)
drill press
chop saw
table saw
misc hand tools, (wrist straps, power/air tools)
* Arduino/Electronics:
Custom Arduino boards (minimal, kits, audio playing..etc)
Ethernet Shield
RFID (SPI) rader/writer
BlueTooth modules (slave & master/slave models)
nRF24L01 Modules
FTDI cables/boards
misc eletronic components (DIP, SMD)
iFlip video cam.
CAT5 cable & crimp tool