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Ken Becker Profile

Member since June 6, 2013.

Why am I here (@ Makerspace)?

I joined the Makerspace to learn; to learn about electronics, welding, alternative energy, and anything else handy that I can pick up. I want to make things that are useful, save a few bucks on repairs or things I need, and maybe even make some money to pay my monthly dues once in a while.

My God-given Maker Skills

  • Coding in PHP, ASP, Visual Basic, Python, SQL script, several others
  • Basic carpentry and home handyman stuff
  • Basic electronics
  • Project management

“If the ladies don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.” – Red Green

Makerspace Tools I Can Use

Ask me about any of these tools if you have questions.

My Current Projects

Maker Ideas

  1. Reprogram the chip on my Arduino
  2. Portable RFID scanner.
  3. Settlers of Catan board.
  4. Car battery tester
  5. Talking / interactive application that plays 20 questions
  6. Anemometer Instructables link
  7. Build a solar light for my shed. Solar kit from Harbor Freight
  8. Arcade game machine with the raspberry pi. Instructables link
  9. Get a webcam working out of the old color cameras in the hack rack
  10. Help out with the Elevated Train project
  11. Wooden chess board
  12. Arduino / pi based chess player

My Completed Projects

Project Date Completed Tags
Simple rocket launcher June 2013 Rocketry, Electrical, Sugru
3D printed Tardis (Part 1) August 2013 Tardis, 3D printing
Portable, timed power outlet. Instructable 3D printed faceplate December 2013 Electrical, Workshop, 3D printing
Home Environmental Sensor Array (Part 1) December 2013 Raspberry Pi, Water sensor, Electrical, Metal cutting
Setup Avahi on Raspberry Pi for Star January 2014 Avahi, Rapsberry Pi
3D printed Tardis (Rev 2) March 2014 Tardis

My Abandoned Projects

  1. Fix my Skil cordless drill – needs new switch. Bought a new one at Harbor Freight for $15 and put the old one on my hack rack.
  2. Wifi Enabled, Remote Controlled, pcDuino Powered, Video Surveillance Robot. The power port on the pcDuino broke off. Makes it hard to do this project. I might try doing this with a RPi or BBB and an Arduino.

Maker Digital Tools I use

members/ken_becker.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/02 19:46 by kennethsbecker