Meeting #670. Agenda for August 6, 2024
Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
Anna K
Bill R
Bryan F
Tim E
Kathy L
Dan J
Awesome members
Anna K running the meeting
Anna K, Mike T, Sindie for helping to sign up new members
for trouble shooting the glass fusion area kilns
Wally and other folks for helping the Tiger Lillies
Hapto for work the google calendar
Brian for working on fob readers
Dan L and Tom G for helping with Maker Village Van
Many thanks to those working at SID (Andy, Nick and many more)
Cherie cleaned up a year's worth of fabric in the Craft Lab
Model Monday. Mondays at 7 pm, Norwich: Fusion 360 Computer Aided Design/CAM class with Carl S.
Most Tuesdays at 7:45 pm, Lenox: Stained glass training with Bill C and Tim E.
1st and third Wednesdays of each month at 6-7 PM is NORWICH woodshop training. Must have completed Lenox training first.
Wednesdays at Norwich: Ceramics and Cerveza with Jeff M. Check website. Sign up for 3 weeks of classes. Limit 5 people.
The last Wed of the month is a fancy project night (for intermediate to advanced students)
Wednesdays at 5pm, Norwich: metal casting and mold building.
Wednesdays at 6 pm. Norwich: Ceramics and Cerveza.
Most Thursdays 6 pm. Steel Tigerlillies women's (she/her pronouns) led sculpture collective at Norwich. Making a disco light for Party/ Wood Powder Coating.
Thursdays at 6:00 - 8pm, Lenox: Woodshop Orientation Training (please respond to the message on the Members@ Email List to reserve a spot—there are 4 spots per week). See google groups.
3rd Thursdays: Corel, Cocktails, and Charcuterie
Fridays at 6pm, Norwich: Open-Forge-Friday blacksmithing. Norwich. Beginner class this week.
Second and third Friday: Board game night.
Saturday's Kiss my Adz hand woodworking with Wolfgang at 1PM.
Jewelry open hang-out, Sunday April 14th, 11 a.m. and every second Sunday thereafter.
Member Project Updates
Sarah Hapto: made a pencil holders for burning man. Did pronting on lots of fabric: dress, shirt
Mike T: made shelf pins for kitchen cabinets and made food covers (both 3D printed)
Matt found a square glue that he made into a cutting board.
Cool Things
Hapto glass cat: will be in a South Shore Park tomorrow……se Hapto
Lampworking glass chain demo by Chris
Giant Settlers of Catan finished all 19 tiles
Guest & New Member Introductions
Total guests: 28
Second-timers: 10
Upcoming events
Member Topics:
Membership committee: discussion on orientation process
Kathy L: glass fusion
2 functioning kilns
Storage area completed for molds
3 pack of lesson (1/week)
Progressive lessons after that
SID on Sunday, August 25th
Knitting group
Patricia: knitting
Cherie: crochet
Preston: polishing workshop
Stained glass on Saturday 8/11/24
Helpful Hint
From Bill Williams: Area champion of the Metal Shop
Like most things, drill chucks wear out with use. Specifically the SHANK (what holds the bit in place) can get worn down. The chuck will no longer hold smaller bits and will continue to “hollow out”.
If we know they need repair, a repair kit can be installed.
Here is an example of a chuck needing repair
Here is one that was recently repaired
If you are young and flexible, check the chuck by looking at it.
If you are older and inflexible, check it using a mirror.
Post on the board the specific drill/chuck that requires repair.
To slow down the wear and tear of the shanks in the drill chuck:
Always clean off the drill bit before you place it in the chuck, remove any dirt, grease, etc.
If there are burrs on the drill bit, please file these off.
Safety Note
Rule and Regulation of the Week
Wrap up
Members, Please hang around and talk to new and prospective members.
New Member Sign-ups: Board members
Wrap-up 8:00 p.m.