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Meeting #552 Agenda for November 30, 2021


  • Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
    • Kathy Hughett- 2 tree ornaments to show, others at Norwich on the tree, made from laser cut bits
    • Scott Kempton - app with friends
    • Karen - ornaments; made via crayons inside a glass ornament, heating it with hairdryer
    • Mike Tarnowski - 3d printed ornaments; snowflake, Cthulhu, guitar pick, PETG spider hub for antenna
  • Member Recognition for Awesomeness
    • Bill Reid for building wood enclosure for Mike T's 3d printer
    • Carl for Fusion 360 class to help Mike T design spider hub
    • Those that helped set up pallet racking on SID
    • Faith for making Chonkanabe, Mike for making chili, Anderson for making tarts for SID
    • Tony for helping in laser lab at Lenox on SID
    • Marcus for fixing front door at Lenox
    • Jeff for fixing garage door at Lenox
    • Everyone that showed up at SID!
    • Lori, new member - for cleaning bathrooms and tables
  • Membership Sign-ups
    • 14 new visitors, 3 on second visit & have seen Norwich
  • Guest & New Member Introductions
    • Board of Directors and Area Champion Introductions
  • New Members
    • Otis - here for pottery, 3D printing, sewing
    • Mike - here to check it out on recommendation of friend member; forging and spending time with son
    • Jacob - welding, electronics stuff
    • Steve Krennanger(?) - instrument building, woodworking, knifemaking/forging
    • Callie - ceramics, jewelry making
    • Aaron - woodworking, electronics - modular synthesizer, blacksmithing, metal fab
    • Preston - blacksmithing, casting, general metalworking
    • Alex - woodworking, but after intro into ceramics & everything else
    • Joseph - artist, woodworking, soldering, musician, etc.
    • James - woodworking, and wants to learn everything in here, metalworking, welding, etc.
  • Meeting adjourns

Helpful Hint

  • When working with hot glue, keep a cup of cold water handy for dipping your burnt fingers into - Kathy Hughett


  • Hapto/Sarah: Re: Plan for area expansion, apologizes to Area Champions, others affected for not including them in planning and wording of original release
    • Now starting again from beginning, reaching out to multiple people
      • Has question sheets (passed around during meeting) to help guide proposal, ensure she's addressing needs, and keeping it on target towards actual goal
        • passed around blank sheets; some guests didn't know what to do with them

* John (member), Daughter Mariah (16yo) - looking for people that can help using laser, vinyl cutter, sandblaster, etc. to make presents for Xmas; also posted to google groups

*Mike Tarnowski - classes in near future will be helping people get their entry Ham Radio License, Thursdays @ Norwich, 7-8pm in Meeting room or HAM radio room

Safety Note

  • In the forge and welding areas, assume everything is hot! Metal can be several hundred degrees hot before it starts glowing

Rule and Regulation of the Week

  • No loud noises after 9pm at Lenox, no curfew at Norwich

Member Topics and Announcements

* Carl S: FUSION 360 classes are now held at NORWICH (moving from Lenox) at 7 PM. Classes can be attended in person, or virtually (Carl will send you the link). Thank you Carl.

  • These classes are now being recorded and are available for viewing on You Tube. Carl will send you the link.

* CERAMICS AND CERVEZAS every Wednesday, by Faith aka replacement Jeff

  • BYOB and enjoy.

*Open Forge Fridays - Dan Jonke

*living history of ornaments for tree

*Quilting night, Dec 6th @ Lenox, 5:30PM by Anderson, Karen also there

Post Meeting Reminders

  • Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
  • One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
  • Begin Tour

What Did We Talk About

Project Updates

Guest introductions

  • 14 guests
  • Alden signed up 3 new members
  • Tim C and Marcus gave the tours


meetingagenda/2021-11-30.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/01 01:52 by wildapricot-thompson_christopher