Meeting #376 Agenda for November 14th, 2017
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Remind members and guests to park on the Even side
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Who Wants a Tour?
Membership Sign-ups
If you intend to sign up tonight, please have your completed application at the desk by 8:00 pm.
Marcin is working the Desk
Guest & New Member Introductions
Safety Note
Member Topics and Announcements
Tuesday night is trash and housekeeping night. The dumpster is hungry; feed it!
The vacuums on the other hand frequently are over-full. Please help them out by emptying them.
Please turn out the lights.
Meeting Adjourns at 19:20
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following the meeting, meet in the front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
Steff: Made bookshelves out of Oak
Mat, Erich, and Dan tried to make hammers but first made some tongs to make bigger hammers
Erich: Forged his first hammer
Kathy: Magnetic vases for the holiday make-a-thon
Mondo: Learning to use 3D printer that was donated from a friend
Linda: Made Christmas ornaments
Amber: Made awards to give out to people
Guest Introductions
Recognition for AWESOMENESS
Tim: Thank you Kathy, for leading the holiday make-a-thon
Kathy: Thank you Dillan, Devan, and Tony to install new security cameras
Steff: Thank you Dan for helping to install awnings
meetingagenda/2017-11-14.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/15 01:15 by marcinp