Meeting #375 Agenda for November 7th, 2017
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Remind members and guests to park on the Even side
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Who Wants a Tour?
Membership Sign-ups
Guest & New Member introductions
Feed Your Soul ReCap!
Laser Lab Closed Saturday 11/11 from 9-11 AM for reconfiguring, bringing in new 30-watt cutter.
Holiday Make-A-Thon is on! Kathy C. takes the lead!
SID is not for the this month Kathy C.
Safety Note
Member Topics and Announcements
Tuesday night is trash and housekeeping night. The dumpster is hungry; feed it!
The vacuums on the other hand frequently are over-full. Please help them out by emptying them.
Please turn out the lights.
Dillan: South Side Soup to vote on local community projects
Meeting Adjourns at 19:28
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following meeting, meet in front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests.
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
Steff M: Fiberglass resin on wood makes her lungs hurt.
Rick: Completed storage cabinet for commode in van. Also made replicas of Alaskan Ulu from old saw blades.
Jake B: Saltwater metal etching.
(a new member): Made Halloween Costumes.
Steve P: Installed a new dust collector in Wood Shop.
Pete P: MMPIS in the back hall is missing a bunch of peripherals, maybe it'll get done next year.
Guest Introductions
Recognition for AWESOMENESS
Rick: Dan helped on the Plasma Cutter, Wolfgang and Rick B for wood.
Mat M: Thank you Tom G for helping with PowerWheels.
Steff M: Yay, awnings are finally up! Thank you Rick B, Dan J, Marcin P for helping.
meetingagenda/2017-11-07.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/08 01:29 by marcinp