Meeting #312 Agenda for August 16, 2016
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Remind members and guests to park on the ODD side
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Guest & New Member introductions
Member Topics and Announcements
Carl will be representing the Makerspace at the Nation of Makers - Makerspace Organizers Meeting and Workshop at the White House next week.
Large plotter in Impound lot to be raffled off today Tuesday.
Bylaws revision voting ends tonight at midnight (CDT). You may vote in person at the meeting tonight if you wish.
Tuesday night is trash and housekeeping night.
Larry has been inundated for training on the Tormach. Classes are now limited to one person per day, and all his Lego won't build itself, you know!4
Next raffle of the impound lot will be on space improvement day. Look for an email from DL with details.
Kathy announces: sewing machine used for vinyl signage is working again; please contribute your plastic bags if you take one from the craft lab.
Meeting Adjourns
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following meeting, meet in front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Project Updates
One of our members brought in honeysuckle turned bowls
Lexie attended some workshops on bookbinding, and brought in some examples
A member brought in a HALO helmet she has painted for cosplay events
Tom made MONEY from selling the steel fencing, over 3,000 pounds of steel, money going towards welding shop supplies
Pete brought in recycled HDPE plastic that he's planed
John made his first thing on the Tormach (Thanks Larry!)
Ed made a very slow adjustable height stool. He encourages other uses for it if there's a better one…
Jon got good feedback on Facebook regarding Dalek builds from North Carolina
Guest Introductions
Cash read about makerspaces in Wood magazine, and found us through the interwebs. He's interested in woodworking, and would like to learn CNC
Tom found us by Googling makerspaces, and is interested in electronics, machining, and casting
Ryan met a member at a cafe when playing chess, he's interested in Arduinos and Bluetooth modules
Josh saw us online, and came down to check us out. He's interested in 3D CAD modeling
Mark met Matt, and Matt brought him along. He's interested in modifying or making footwear
Dave is from Watertown and visiting Milwaukee. He owns a 3D printer.
Galen is making is second visit. He's an electrical engineer, and is interested in woodworking.
Jay is a new member, and is interested in making a Dalek, and molds for armor and woodworking. This is her first meeting
Tom (another one) is interested in the CNC router for electric guitar manufacture
Scott is visiting for his second time, and Mark helped him build adapters for camera lenses on the 3D printer. He's also interested in woodworking.
Thomas has been on and off, and is interested in Linux in the cloud, and is looking for help
Bill is visiting from Iowa, and was invited by Adrian
Adam is a friend of a current member, and is interested in screenprinting
Recognition for AWESOMENESS
Vishal helped Larry with oak plaques that will be mounted on the sides of the Tormach
Wolfgang thanks Tony for helping get his new laptop working
Harvey thanks Larry for teaching Tormach, it's helped with other CNC projects too
Carl thanks everyone who came to Dry Hootch to help remove fence
Matt from Dry Hootch seconds all the thanks. A 5K race is coming up on 9/11 and is interested in making a trophy and is looking for help
Adrian thanks Tom for helping with retrieving donated items in his van
meetingagenda/2016-08-16.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/17 00:40 by keithm