Wolfgang showed off a whale harpoon A robotic car project made a Frida Kahlo wall art tribute piece all made from upcycling (vote at Goodwill Ultimate Upcycling), also another wall art bowl Lexi made some wine and pint glasses with 4 seasons etched on the glass with the sand blaster Kathy made a thank you card for a machinist, some ornaments, and some earrings in a nice presentation box Karrin talked about her ongoing project restoring girl scout uniforms Dan will be making big fire after the meeting Trifold was shown and voted between Red or Blue designs Brant had a Fan he found on the hack rack to be used as an air curtain above a doorway
Member Recognition Pete recognized for putting the webcam up John recognized for showing a member how to use a tool
New People Parker found us on FB, Woodworking and is a web designer Doug found us online, background industrial designer Teresa is a picture framer here for Brady St Foundation looking for help building things for green spaces Lauren new to milwaukee, machining, woodworking, heard about it from a friend and work
Elections end for at large board members close today with handing in of paper ballots
Brant collecting for Kennedy Middle school robotics lab, see him if you want to donate cash
Karren noticed paper shredder is not working, door to craft area need lubrication, and people ordering plastic for 3d printers please save packages
End of the month is end for CNC finding match by Larry
Lots of stuff is up for grabs in the meeting room
Meeting adjourned at 7:44