Meeting #290 Agenda for March 15, 2016
Put “meeting tonight” sandwich boards outside doors 1 and 3
Ask guests to sign the guestbook
Project Updates (Show & Tell!) from Members
Member Recognition for Awesomeness
Guest & New Member introductions
Shakespeare in the Park looking for donations for their silent auction
Thanks to everyone at the Woodworking Show!
Makers needed for Maker Plaza at UWM (Pete, Molly)
Screen Printing Demo after Meeting, 8pm or so… (Pete)
Maker Faire Milwaukee Planning Meeting Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 at 7pm!
Milwaukee Makerspace 2016 Annual Meeting - Nomination period for at-large board positions opens tonight (2 positions)
Safety Note:
Member Topics and Announcements
Post Meeting Reminders
Space Tour starts immediately following meeting, meet in front lobby.
Any interested new members, see a Board Member to discuss the sign-up process.
One On One Introductions of Members to Guests
What Did We Talk About
Kathy showed off the painted cork board which will be installed in the craft lab
Wolfgang showed off his unintentional tie-die T-shirt (tip: don’t put your pens in the dryer with your T-shirts)
Mark donated a $400 auto-darkening welding helmet donated by Miller Electric
Tom asked that we do a blog post on welding classes and the donation
Karen showed off historic (90 year old) Girl Scout uniforms that she is mendging
One of the members showed off Bismuth crystals she made
One of our neighbors stopped in to remind us to please park on the opposite side of the street (even side today)
Larry asked if there was any progress on putting up signage to let members know what side of the street to park on
Tom suggested we print out signage and attach them to the posts outside “MakerSpace - park this side“
Lance introduced the new named board members. Welcome!
Pete and Molly (his student) told us about Zoom Milwaukee and the Maker Plaza. They’re looking for exhibitors May 26-28 (see 2016 events for more details)
Larry and Pete have EggBots (for Easter!) they can loan out
Larry suggested a mandatory name tag policy - he was asked to refer this to the board
Landscaping and mowing - DL asked Rik will provide this service this summer - he confirmed he would
DL reminded members that she will be enforcing the parking ticket policy - clean up your messes
Tom K and Bill2 were saluted for helping with a band saw stand
Mark O also thanked Bill for helping with one of his projects
Pete put together the booth at the woodworkers show, Lance thanked everyone to attended
Stephanie helped a member get set up on Etsy
Dan tamped down the irate neighbor who came to express frustration on our parking on the “wrong” side
Guest introductions
Derrick found the ‘space via a web search
Jeremy saw a poster at American Science and Surplus
Al is from the neighborhood, and learned about us at the Woodworker’s Show
Moira heard about us through word of mouth
Peter heard about us through a neighbor of ours
John found us through the Internet
Kurt introduced himself
Alicia introduced herself
Molly heard about us from Pete and via Maker Faire
Faith introduced herself
Nick, Robert, Michael and Pat are from MSOE
Brian is studying EE at MSOE, and was brought by a friend
Nominations for at-large board positions
Scott Swanson was nominated and seconded, and accepted the nomination
Adrian Volden was nominated and seconded, and accepted the nomination
Amy Haffner was nominated and seconded - she was not present to accept
meetingagenda/2016-03-15.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/16 00:44 by keithm